This Show Has Everything

A veritable cavalcade of LRB hosts are assembled for our May round-up show, where we dig into your thoughtful commentary, strategize about our potential Grill and Chill franchise opportunity (Hillary will be our Parker Posey), and examine your recent Amazon purchases (Ann has GOT to stop googling things). Also on the agenda, we begin preliminary discussions about a possible plan to plan some summer plans, the triumphant return of Christy’s Corner sparks a discussion of our current viewing habits, and Mike’s Minute ends up fomenting discord among the group. Meredith lets us know that she hears us, she  understands us, and she disagrees with us. Plus, a spirited debate about the proper way to describe the Law & Order noise, and a return to the perpetual emotion machine. Thank you, pervs.

Show Notes

A veritable cavalcade of LRB hosts are assembled for our May round-up show, where we dig into your thoughtful commentary, strategize about our potential Grill and Chill franchise opportunity (Hillary will be our Parker Posey), and examine your recent Amazon purchases (Ann has GOT to stop googling things). Also on the agenda, we begin preliminary discussions about a possible plan to plan some summer plans, the triumphant return of Christy’s Corner sparks a discussion of our current viewing habits, and Mike’s Minute ends up fomenting discord among the group. Meredith lets us know that she hears us, she  understands us, and she disagrees with us. Plus, a spirited debate about the proper way to describe the Law & Order noise, and a return to the perpetual emotion machine.

Thank you, pervs.

What is This Show Has Everything?

Join a group of friends dedicated to an ongoing conversation about everything and nothing, because sometimes you need to be the podcast you want to see in the world.