The Ultimate Webmaster's Guide to the Internet

Retro 80s & 90s design is all the rage (and I couldn't be happier about it), but it's important to know when it's safe to go "Full Retro" with your design decisions. Then I chat about Magic: The Gathering, drop a hot tip on how to reduce triggers, and give a shoutout to 16 year old developer Miguel Piedrafita!

Show Notes

Retro 80s & 90s design is all the rage (and I couldn't be happier about it), but it's important to know when it's safe to go "Full Retro" with your design decisions. Then I chat about Magic: The Gathering, drop a hot tip on how to reduce YouTube triggers, and give a shoutout to 16 year-old developer Miguel Piedrafita!

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What is The Ultimate Webmaster's Guide to the Internet?

Web design, development, marketing, branding, and all manner of my work life, combined with everything I love to play, all in 22 minutes or less.