Atlas Balked

We examine Jack's game within the game and the amazing realization that there is someone walking earth today who doesn't know who Lennon and McCartney were (are).

Show Notes

In this episode we talk about Happy Father’s Day, the no drama week, do Elden and Dusty listen or not, Mikey finally wasting points, Rizzo having high HQ, Joe is so very lucky, swinging as a way to stay limber, being bandied about as trade bait, something weird in baseball, Gregg is a Bellinger-like leader, the playoffs - RIGHT NOW!, Jack’s game within the game, clothespins, audio easter eggs for Joe, no-one should be conceding yet, un-American effort, the worst interview format ever, Joe not deserving some wins, the leading manager of the year for the Juiceless league, when do you sacrifice your season for a chance to fly a flag, not knowing who Lennon and McCartney are, Gregg declaring his commitment to team Edward and having footraces against giraffes dressed in business suits.

What is Atlas Balked?

Welcome to Atlas Balked, a weekly chronicle concerning the mundane, weird, and maybe even sometimes dramatic happenings of a Simple Fantasy Baseball League .

This podcast captures the thoughts and musings Gregg, Joe, Jack and Tim - four of the twelve owners in the league.