Teaching General Conference

General Observations:
  • She packs a lot into each paragraph so don't move the class to quickly through each paragraph. This is the importance of only picking one specific doctrine to consider during the class (maybe two). Create a lot of time for the class to digest the content. 

    Warm Up:
  • Upside down glasses
    • Buy or ask if someone in your ward owns it
    • Doesn't the world seem upside down sometimes? 
  • Blurry image game
  • Bring 3-5 tools to display (or ask 3-5 people to bring a tool)
  • Prime the pump question
Engagement Activity: Digest the paragraph
  • Paragraph "In our lives..."
    • Give 5 minutes to digest 
    • Have them read both scripture references as well
    • "What principle is being taught here?"
    • "What are the two 'available daily resources' we can depend on?"
    • "What do these phrases look like in real life?"
      • "Be a light which shineth"
      • "Enlightening our eyes"
      • "Quickening our understanding"
    • "When have you seen things as they really are and as they really will be?"
      • Give them 2 minutes
Engagement Activity: Divinely Appointed Tools 
  • Paragraph "As covenant children..."
    • Tools
      • The words and teachings of Jesus Christ
        • Scripture
        • Words of living prophets
        • Daily prayer
        • temple attendance
        • sacrament
          • "How have these tools help you 'restore peace and provide the necessary gift of discernment?'"
            • Give 2 minutes to think and get one story of each
Our tools
  • the Savior's love for us individually
  • being His covenant children
  • His teachings and laws

  • What tools do we have that help us clarify, focus, and ground the world around us?
  • How does Jesus Christ "[direct your] feet to meetinghouses each week to partake of His sacrament, to the house of the Lord to make covenants with Him?"
  • For you, how has Christ steered you through both the calm and the turbulent waters of life? (Paragraph: As covenant children...)
    • ***Push them past the vagueness***
  • What significant decision have you had to make in life that weighed on you?
    • How did you reach clarity?
    • What spiritual tools did you use?
    • Did it work as expected?
  • Is focusing on the Savior only possible through specific behaviors like prayer, scripture study, and temple attendance?

What is Teaching General Conference?

Now that general conference has concluded, Kurt Francom covers best practices in teaching each general conference talk in elders quorum and Relief Society.