API Intersection

- Just a note, folks- this episode marks our final episode of API Intersection. In late 2023, Stoplight was involved in a merger with SmartBear, and as our teams focus on bringing Stoplight and Swaggerhub together, it requires our full attention. We've decided to place the show on hold indefinitely. We've enjoyed getting to connect to so many of you in the community and hoep to continue to do so through other means for the time being. Thank you for all of the listening, learning, and conversation. -

This week on API Intersection, we sat down with Bryan Thomas and Puneet Kumar, who joined us from Humana. Both play heavily involved roles in the Enterprise API program there, and brought their unique perspectives to share.

With an organization as large as Humana, we talked about how you build and maintain APIs at scale. What does consistency mean? How do you think of your APIs as a product, and why does that work? Most importantly, when you go to make changes in your program, how do you get people on all levels on board?

To learn more about Humana, click here.
To subscribe to the podcast, visit https://stoplight.io/podcast

What is API Intersection?

Building a successful API requires more than just coding.

It starts with collaborative design, focuses on creating a great developer experience, and ends with getting your company on board, maintaining consistency, and maximizing your API’s profitability.

In the API Intersection, you’ll learn from experienced API practitioners who transformed their organizations, and get tangible advice to build quality APIs with collaborative API-first design.

Jason Harmon brings over a decade of industry-recognized REST API experience to discuss topics around API design, governance, identity/auth versioning, and more.

They’ll answer listener questions, and discuss best practices on API design (definition, modeling, grammar), Governance (multi-team design, reviewing new API’s), Platform Transformation (culture, internal education, versioning) and more.

They’ll also chat with experienced API practitioners from a wide array of industries to draw out practical takeaways and insights you can use.

Have a question for the podcast? DM us or tag us on Twitter at @stoplightio.