Behavior Gap Radio

Have you ever thought about how paying attention to your pain could transform your relationship with money? In this episode of Behavior Gap Radio, Carl delves into profound insights from his conversation with Sharon Salzburg on the 50 Fires podcast. Sharon, a renowned meditation teacher, shared a valuable perspective on moving toward pain. Carl recounts a personal experience with a coach that sparked feelings of annoyance and how he applied Sharon's wisdom to understand and dissipate these emotions. By noticing and welcoming his feelings and exploring where they manifest in the body, Carl uncovers a deeper awareness of his reactions, particularly around money. How might practicing mindful awareness and self-inquiry change your financial mindset? 

What is Behavior Gap Radio?

Greetings, Carl here.

This podcast is super simple, it's me wandering through the world noticing things about how to align my use of capital (time and money) with what is actually important to me.
