Simply Convivial: Encouragement for Christian moms

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Project people neglect everyday life in order to obsess over getting one particular thing done. Plodders avoid projects because they seem overwhelming. Both types oaf moms can get stuff done if they are aware of their strengths and weaknesses.

Mystie Winckler encourages moms to organize their attitudes and get traction at home so we are no longer overwhelmed or frustrated with homemaking. We are a community of Christian women striving to be competent, cheerful homemakers so we are fruitful, faithful, and hospitable. Subscribe for regular encouragement!

📖 Get my latest book - Simplified Organization: Learn to Love What Must Be Done

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What is Simply Convivial: Encouragement for Christian moms?

Short but meaty pep talks for busy Christian moms who want to manage their homes & lives for the glory of God – and enjoy it, too! Organize your attitude, get stuff done, and glorify God as a homemaker.