Newlife Church: Brisbane

Newlife Church: Brisbane Trailer Bonus Episode 183 Season 1

Renaissance Sunday - Al Gordon

Renaissance Sunday - Al GordonRenaissance Sunday - Al Gordon

This is a message by Al Gordon for Renaissance Sunday.

Welcome to the New Life Podcast. We're so glad that you could join us. 

New Life is one family with many churches, located in Brisbane, Coolangatta, Morton Bay, and Robina. We exist to simply see more people, more like Jesus, by planting and leading thriving local churches.  

You've joined us for a powerful reflection on Renaissance conference. Our guest speaker, Al Gordon, shares inspiring stories of revival and spiritual awakening happening around the world, encouraging us to prepare our hearts for a fresh move of God. Through testimonies, personal experiences, and a call to consecration, Gordon emphasizes the importance of repentance, prayer, and deep communion with God and one another. Together, we explore what it means for our community to be ready for revival in our time. 

We pray this message is a blessing.
We’d love to hear from you!

What is Newlife Church: Brisbane?

Welcome to the weekly podcast featuring Sunday messages from Newlife Church: Brisbane.

As a church, we exist to see more people more like Jesus by planting and leading thriving local churches.

For more information visit our website at or contact us at We are one family, many churches so make sure you check out our other podcasts by searching Newlife Church.