Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast, Helping you create a profitable, sustainable law firm you love

How much more focus could you give your law firm business if you could outsource some of your household tasks? What could having a personal assistant change in your personal and professional lives?

Kara McKeage, the founder of Pepper’s Personal Assistants, is passionate about helping successful women ease their mental load with skilled household support. 

Pepper’s Personal Assistants began as Kara’s side hustle, and today, the business employs 27 people who focus on household tasks for professional women so they can find more time, feel more organized, and have peace of mind.

In this episode of Wealthy Woman Lawyer®, you’ll hear how Kara carefully vets her employees, how personal assistants can relieve your mental load, and what you can expect to pay for this type of service.

Show Highlights:
  • The catalyst that caused Kara to start her business and the services she offers
  • Who her ideal clients are, and the vetting process Kara puts employees through to reassure her clients
  • What sets her business apart from others, how long personal assistants typically stay with their families, and what her clients can expect from them
  • Pricing expectations for personal assistants
  • Where the business name came from, and why it’s been a fun business to run and grow
  • The shift Kara has experienced in hiring and retaining people over the last few years, her future plans, and her advice for women law firm owners who are considering outsourcing

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What is Wealthy Woman Lawyer Podcast, Helping you create a profitable, sustainable law firm you love?

What if you could hang out with successful women lawyers, ask them about growing their firms, managing resources like time, team and systems, mastering money issues, and more; then take an insight or two to help you build a wealth-generating law firm? That’s what we do each week on the Wealthy Woman Lawyer podcast. Hosted by Davina Frederick, founder and CEO of Wealthy Woman Lawyer –– every episode is an in-depth look at how to think like a CEO, attract clients who you love to serve (and will pay you on time), and create a profitable, sustainable firm you love. The goal is to give you the information you need to scale your law firm business from 6 to 7 figures in gross annual revenue so you can fully fund, and still have time to enjoy, the lifestyle of your dreams.