Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson

Anddddd we're back! Today, we're going over the 4th compilation of the Twitter files that have been released thus far. More censorship craziness has (unshockingly) been uncovered in regards to the social media giant; and we have a responsibility to 1. Be aware of it, 2. Share the information around to everyone near and far, and 3. Try to show the conscienceless masses that censorship is, in fact, abhorrently wrong and not to mention the exact opposite of "democracy" -- something the Left endlessly endorses. It will never cease being appalling that the same people who claim to want to protect democracy at all costs also want to silence everyone that they disagree with. But, as we know, the Left has no standards (unless they're double).



What is Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson?

Entertaining and in-depth, Uncommon Sense with Ginny Robinson tackles the latest in news, culture, religion and politics from a Christian, independent point of view. Ginny‘s keen eye allows her to cut through the chaos to the things that really matter, and her ability to find the humor in anything provides a fresh new way to stay up to date.