Ger Can Get It

This week: the conclusion of our three-part series of shows Ger popped up in that have now disappeared from the world. We watched three episodes of The Judge (1982-1985), literally a show about a male judge in the early 1980s so the sexism is laid on EXACTLY as thick as you'd imagine, although it's honestly a better representation of what goes on in and around a courtroom than anything we have on tv today.
Check out our YouTube channel to watch the only known episodes remaining, as well as Ger's tight 1982 suit.

GCGI now has an Instagram page— never miss a sweaty update (and get sneak previews of future episodes) at: (or click here).

There's more from the Strange and Beautiful Network!

Listen to Rachel, Kate, and Hannah discuss spicy books, serious books, and everything in between (but mostly spicy!). It's like sitting down with girl friends to chat about hot book boyfriends but in podcast format! Listen now at Feast, Sheath, Shatter: A Book Chat Podcast

Love Movies, TV Shows and Books in the Fantasy, Scifi, and Horror genre and want to hear more? Check us out at The Strange and Beautiful Book Club where Rachel and her husband Matt discuss all things genre-related.

Longing for a simpler time in the police procedural genre AND love Vampires? Matt and Rachel also review the classic television show Forever Knight on their podcast, Come in 81 Kilo.

Not getting enough sweaty 90s sexcapades from your television and movie content? Listen to Meg and Rachel discuss the finer points of Geraint Wyn Davies' career over at Ger Can Get It!

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What is Ger Can Get It?

After meeting our favorite actor in September of 2023 and COMPLETELY LOSING OUR MINDS (please send them our way if you find them), we (Meg and Rachel) set out to watch everything Geraint Wyn Davies (Nick in Forever Knight, king of the Stratford Theater Festival, and star of much, much, more) has ever been in— at least everything we can find. This isn’t a podcast; it’s an inoculation (so don’t be a narc— please don’t tell him we’re doing this).