Billion Dollar Backstory

Dan Mikulskis helps wealth managers and pension funds make better decisions. He meets with hundreds of asset managers every year. Get perspectives from the other side of the table and the other side of the pond.   

In this episode, Dan and Stacy discuss:
  • His backstory: From growing up in a family of mathematicians, to investment consulting, to writing and podcasting
  • The communication gap between fund managers and allocators — and his advice to bridge that gap
  • How founders and fund managers can get more comfortable sharing authentically
  • His shift in perspective on storytelling — and what type of stories we need more of 
  • How allocators influence the future for boutiques

Resources mentioned in this episode:
Book: Open: An Autobiography by Andre Agassi

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What is Billion Dollar Backstory?

Host Stacy Havener brings you the storytelling tips, sales strategies, behavioral secrets, and inspirational stories that help YOU turn your words into dollars. Learn from sales and marketing experts. Meet finance and investment leaders, founders and fund managers who have made it, and the ones on the rise. Because there are people behind the portfolios. Their stories matter. So does yours.

@stacyhavener //