Sound Africa

African Space - The Live Documentary is a live recording of a collaboration between Sound Africa and Encounters South African International Documentary Festival.

It is a poetic journey featuring internationally renowned astronomers and townspeople of the Karoo. What they all share is a proximity to the biggest science project in the world: a giant radio telescope called The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) under construction. Sometimes the journey is intergalactic other times dusty and local, but it always takes place somewhere between technology and dream.


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Sound Africa is an independent podcast collective based in South Africa. We focus on creative non-fiction from the African continent and are always looking for talented journalists and storytellers to collaborate with. If you are one of them or want to get in touch, send us an email:

Show Notes

African Space - The Live Documentary is a live recording of a collaboration between Sound Africa and Encounters South African International Documentary Festival. It is a poetic journey featuring internationally renowned astronomers and townspeople of the Karoo. What they all share is a proximity to the biggest science project in the world: a giant radio telescope called The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) under construction. Sometimes the journey is intergalactic other times dusty and local, but it always takes place somewhere between technology and dream. -- Find out more about Sound Africa at our website: Like Sound Africa on Facebook: Follow Sound Africa on Twitter: and Instagram: -- Sound Africa is an independent podcast collective based in South Africa. We focus on creative non-fiction from the African continent and are always looking for talented journalists and storytellers to collaborate with. If you are one of them or want to get in touch, send us an email:

What is Sound Africa?

Sound Africa is a platform for quality independent podcast documentaries from the African continent.
We are a non-profit organisation dedicated to fact, truth, and transparency.