The Chi and Khalil Show

Chi and Khalil return with a quick recap of everything that went down while we were away. Chi shares some personal medical history. Khalil reveals he's not a saint. As if it wasn't obvious.

Show Notes

Opening intro music by Smith Robinson of Hard Row Inc.  IG @smithrobinson

Joe Biden speech on South Africa

Pro-Choice Christians

Old Testament passage on ”abortion” that Khalil refers to in the podcast:

Numbers 5:11–28 addresses a procedure whereby a man who suspects his wife of infidelity can take her to the priest and make a formal accusation. The priest then performs a prescribed ritual that would result in a curse from God if the woman was unfaithful while claiming to be innocent before the priest and God. Any physical manifestations she suffered would determine her guilt. (Text from

Ted Cruz

What is The Chi and Khalil Show?

Slightly Melanated and Hella Black. Two highly educated BFF's drop knowledge and talk ish about the world we live in.