The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society

Viviana’s fears are coming true. Preston is coming and will use anything to get her back, including fire and steel. Can even the wily Mrs Du Mer be enough to stop him?

Show Notes

Author’s Notes

And so we learn a bit more about our two heroines. I don’t know if I’m good at these scenes, but in watching the structure of most western narratives, there seems always to be this type of scene. In a quiet moment, people lay out their origin stories to each other. Even in James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad, they almost go around the room (well, bus) and do it. It seems so inelegant to me, but the genre demanded it! I hope it works.

I originally had Mr. Du Mer as being “my old Mister,” and it almost stayed that way because of a very funny exchange that happened in Part 2. But that darling had to be killed to make for a richer character.

Once Ursula was free, healing, and starting her new life, the last thing she expected was love, and suddenly, she stumbled right into it. I didn’t want to imply that he “fixed” her or that their love is what made her whole. She had remade herself the way she wanted, and he fell in love with that person. Don’t know if that came across, but that was my intention.

The odd boom of sea shanties on the internet in 2020 (which I adored) led me to discover a band called The Longest Johns, who had been doing sailing songs for years before it became trendy. I promptly bought everything they had ever recorded and in doing so, found one of my all-time favorite songs. It’s called Ashes, and the title of this episode comes from it. You should listen to it and then throw your money at them because they are amazing.

What is The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society?

Welcome to the seaside city of Massalia, nestled in the south of France. It’s the dawn of the 20th century, but things aren’t looking bright. A group calling themselves The Six engineered a sinister cultural revolution and united Europe under one banner, all beholden to the Emperor. Saffron and Zinnia are a married lesbian couple doing their best to defend the people and fight evil wherever they find it, battling with swords, words, or whatever they can use. Opposed by villains like Lord Buxton Blue, Piker Pendulum, and The Red Rapscallion, the Ladies help where they can and seek to bring down this corrupt regime. The flame of hope is still burning bright in the Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society.