B'yam Darkecha on the Beauty of Shabbos & the Yomim Tovim

pp.228-234: Knowing the Goal of Shabbos will get us excited to put our heart into the necessary Avoda of shabbos. Why a Jew does not work on Shabbos ; while anon-Jew must work on Shabbos. The soul can understand things that Sechel can not.

What is B'yam Darkecha on the Beauty of Shabbos & the Yomim Tovim?

Study the Sefer "B'yam Darkecha, to discover the beauty of Shabbos through the teachings of Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern. This comprehensive class will shed light on how to appreciate the true gift of Shabbos as seen in the light of Chassidus. You can e-mail Rabbi Michalowicz with questions or comments at rabbimichalowicz@gmail.com