Vision Forward with Stephen Schlabach

Good morning, Stephen Schlabach here with today's Vision Forward! This week, we're delving into the building blocks of our lives: beliefs, thoughts, words, and actions. Today, we focus on actions. Our actions have a unique power to release what we need in life. Exercising when we don’t feel like it can energize us, and acting with kindness can bring joy and blessings. James 1:22 tells us, "But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." Aligning our actions with our beliefs can unlock the very things we seek. Be inspired to move forward with purpose and vision. And remember, "Be The Light."

What is Vision Forward with Stephen Schlabach?

A daily dose of Inspiration, Vision and Strategy. A short listen that is sure to encourage you to move your vision forward.