Nicole & Kate Can Relate

A reading week? We know… we had our fair share of questions about what a reading week looks like, why you should consider doing one, and what the biggest benefits of a reading week might be.

So for this episode we invite Steph Clarke of Steph’s Business Bookshelf Podcast on to talk about it!

Show Notes

A reading week? We know… we had our fair share of questions about what a reading week looks like, why you should consider doing one, and what the biggest benefits of a reading week might be. 

So for this episode we invite Steph Clarke of Steph’s Business Bookshelf Podcast on to talk about it!

Points Discussed in this Episode
  • Types of books to read during different times of the day
  • Having go-to sources you trust for book recommendations
  • How a “reading week” might be a “thinking” weekend, a “4-day meditation getaway”… it’s really about getting out of your routine
  • Steph’s 3 tips for planning your reading week
  • The biggest benefits of a week away typically follow in the weeks after 
  • The preparation leading up to your time away and how that helps set you up for success
  • Setting expectations for others - and yourself - for what this time will look like
  • Start small! You can start with a ‘house swap’ with a friend for a few hours one day
  • Delete social media and email apps off your phone so you can truly disconnect

Mentioned in this Episode: 

How to Plan Your Own Reading Week: Steph’s Business Bookshelf Podcast
Adam Grant’s reading list
Steph’s LinkedIn 
Steph’s Instagram 

Thank you so much for joining us for this Special Feature episode with Steph Clarke on how to plan a reading week!

Don’t forget to follow or subscribe to Nicole & Kate Can Relate for more episodes like this one! 

Our mission with this podcast is to share a candid convo one time per week to help provide love, support, and space for women to share without judgment, speak without hesitation, and learn from each other - even when we don’t agree.

What is Nicole & Kate Can Relate?

We're Nicole & Kate! Friends, confidants, accountability partners, and we’ve been supporting each other over the years sharing our ups and our downs and hashing out the big questions of life - do we want kids? Can we have it all? How do we stay healthy and keep our businesses running smoothly without major stress and overwhelm? We talk things out ‘cause that’s what real friends do - they provide love, support, and space for one another to share without judgement, speak without hesitation, and learn from each other - even when we don’t agree.