GA Baptist Discipleship

On this broadcast, we will be interviewing two special guests with a story at the end you won't want to miss! Our first guest is Lorna Bius, the director of Mission Georgia for GBMB. We will be talking about five areas of Mission Georgia, then Scott will bring on his daughter, Erika White, and talk about her inspiring adoption story into the Sullivan family. Erika has a powerful story of God's hand in her adoption story and firsthand what the adoption process feels like as an older child entering a new family.

Mission Georgia has been around a long time, but the emphasis is different. There are 5 specific areas of focus for Mission Georgia:
• Human Trafficking: The Human Trafficking industry is nearly $300 million/year, and Georgia ranks consistently in the top 10 in the nation. Every month 374 girls are trafficked for sex in Georgia.
• Pre-Post Natal Care: Georgia is ranked as the worse state in the country for maternal mortality. 75 of the 159 counties in Georgia do NOT have a practicing OBGYN.
• Childhood Literacy:
Nearly half of ALL children in Georgia school systems are not reading at their grade level. Children not reading on grade level by the fourth grade are 70% more likely to end up in jail or welfare.
• Refugees and Internationals:
Christians accounted for 79% of refugees who came to the US. And over 1 million Georgians were born in another country.
• Foster Care & Adoption:
Georgia will spend $2 million this year in hotels for children in foster care with no home to put them in. Approximately 400 children in foster care will sleep in a hotel tonight. So far in 2021, there have been 13,815 children in Georgia’s foster care system.

We also have Kenneth Aycock, our North East Discipleship Consultant, who serves with Family 4 Families, a Mission Georgia partner with churches to enlist and support foster families. This group is incredible and has no cost to you or your church.

If you can not catch us live, be sure to subscribe!

Show Notes

What is GA Baptist Discipleship?

This podcast exists to strengthen churches by resourcing, inspiring, and creating disciple-makers! Discipleship is a life-long process by which a follower of Jesus Christ grows toward Christ-likeness and multiplies the experience. Each week we will broadcast new episodes relevant to your ministry and replicating discipleship.