Risk & Regulation Rundown

With regulators and policymakers issuing a raft of ESG announcements in recent weeks against the backdrop of COP26, in this episode we discuss what those developments mean for financial services firms. Regular host Andrew Strange is joined by Lucas Penfold, a Senior Manager in PwC’s FS Regulatory Insights team, who specialises in ESG and asset management, and Declan McGinn, a Senior Manager in our Sustainability & Climate Change practice, who supports our banking clients on ESG transformation.
We discuss the key messages from COP26, and the challenges firms face in meeting evolving regulatory requirements, from strategy to resourcing and data. We also look ahead to the key issues that firms should be focused on next year and beyond, including upcoming regulatory deadlines in the UK and EU, how the PRA will enforce its climate risk requirements following the end of 2021 deadline, and how banks can deliver on their net zero commitments.
You can contact our PwC speakers if you’d like to discuss any of the topics covered, at lucas.penfold@pwc.com, declan.b.mcginn@pwc.com and andrew.p.strange@pwc.com

What is Risk & Regulation Rundown?

PwC’s Financial Services risk and regulation podcast, discussing the latest developments affecting the industry, some insights from our work with clients, and our perspective on industry talking points. Led by PwC host Tessa Norman, who’s joined by a range of guests each month.