Unashamed Unafraid

Today, Bryce is known among his friends as genuinely happy, and capable of putting an entire room at ease upon entering it. But it was only a few years ago that he reached out for help from the edge of despair. He had hit rock bottom in a lifestyle of porn and sex that was wreaking havoc in his life. Breaking free from shame and his destructive habits proved to be a challenging journey, but supportive individuals entered his life and guided him into therapy and helped him develop a community of friends with whom he could share his challenges. 

In this episode, find out how Bryce's mother came to his rescue, the role God played in his recovery and how his newfound support network helped him navigate difficult changes, including the termination of a tumultuous romantic relationship. The episode ends with a compelling segment titled 'Advice from Bryce' and a surprise phone call.

What is Unashamed Unafraid?

Unashamed Unafraid is a show dedicated to being unashamed about sexual addiction recovery and unafraid of coming unto Christ for healing. Pornography and sexual addiction are not something you are stuck with to manage your whole life. We share real men's and couple's stories of recovery, the best resources, and information from experts, and answer anonymous questions with those who know. All to help you on the path of being 100% healed from pornography and sexual addiction.