Seton Reflections

Seton Reflections Trailer Bonus Episode 35 Season 1

Don Bosco & Mother Seton: The Great Christian Educators

Don Bosco & Mother Seton: The Great Christian EducatorsDon Bosco & Mother Seton: The Great Christian Educators


St. John Bosco and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton presented lessons of love and gentleness to the most vulnerable of children. Their gentle instruction inspired their respective countries through the many thousands of pupils who would be taught by the communities they founded.

What is Seton Reflections?

Seton Reflections connects real life stories and wisdom of Mother Seton with the Saints, a holy feast day, or a timely topic. Our hope is that you might find encouragement through these brief reflections. You can read these reflections at or subscribe to these weekly emails and get them sent directly to your mailbox.