Green with Tiffany

Ever wonder what those "detox" foot baths actually do or how they worK? On today's episode I speak with Paula Childers, owner of Alimtox Wellness. We go over the ins and out of what it means to cleanse, rebuild and balance your body with an ion cell cleanse. We are being bombarded with all sorts of pollutants. Some we do knowingly from the foods we eat and products we use and others come from our environment, right down to the air we breathe. Pollutants like chemicals and heavy metals build up in our system. Toxins can get stored in the body’s joints, organs, arteries, nerves and tissues, disrupting their ability to function and thus creating an environment for disease, allergies and immune system breakdown. We talk about what it is, how it works, what to expect, the bad rap that it sometimes gets and the benefits of detox.

Listen in to learn more and if you are interested in owning your own machine, take advantage of the discount Paula is offering for 30 days.
$100 off your purchase and 2 additional arrays with code: Tiffany2

To receive the complimentary gallbladder cleanse sign up here
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What is Green with Tiffany?

Green With Tiffany is a lifestyle podcast guiding you on how to live more sustainably, focusing on ways to better tend to your health and life inside and out. Your host, ecopreneur and founder of Green With Tiffany, Tiffany Paige, offers a friendly perspective and meaningful voice supporting listeners in becoming more aware in making healthier and Earth-conscious choices throughout each day, because what’s good for you is good for the planet. Listen as Tiffany interviews Brand Founders, CEOs, Celebrities, Chefs, Doctors, Fashionistas, and Nonprofit Leaders sharing their stories about what we all can do to #ChoosetoCare to live a greener life for both ourselves and the planet.  A great listen for anyone new to or practicing sustainable living with episodes breaking down what easy shifts and tips you can make!