Pickled Parables

Lee shares about a soul that thirsts for God. What does that mean? And, how does a thirsty soul drive us to our God and savior?
Scriptures Explored: Psalm 46:10, Ezekiel 14:11, Psalm 62, Psalm 63
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Music created by Chad Hoffman
Artwork created by Anthony Kuenzi
Lee Aman came from South Korea and grew up in Silverton Oregon.  The three best words that describe Lee would be spontaneous, energetic, and busy.  He loves sharing Gods Word with people because "that is why I am here. To know God and make him known, to share His love and truth to those who hunger for it."

What is Pickled Parables?

Pickled Parables is a Bible teaching podcast where we study, contemplate and testify to the Bible’s incredible teachings and how it leads us to live a better life. Listen to pastors, professors, counselors, evangelists, and Bible scholars share their studies and meditations.