The Wrestling Memory Grenade

Grenade Episode #110 covering JANUARY 1988 in the WWF featuring tons of News & Results! First, it's all of the latest WWF NEWS ncluding... the arrival of Bad News Brown, the latest on the Royal Rumble (or is it the RUMBLE ROYAL, Gene?), Bunkhouse Battle Royals, Big Bubba Rogers headed in, Joel Watts quits, Billy Jack Haynes & King Kong Bundy finish up, the sight of WrestleMania IV now determined, Bam Bam Bigelow's injury, WWF Magazine numbers spike, the return of "C-Shows", canceled events, & more. Plus, the WWF announces several new PPVs and Jim Crockett answers with his own TBS specials! From there, I'll look into WWF Results for the month of January including WWF Champion Hulk Hogan vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude, IC Champ Honky Tonk Man vs. The Macho Man inside a STEEL CAGE,  The Glamour Girls vs. Jumping Bomb Angels, Beefcake vs. Valentine, Race vs. Duggan, Muraco vs. Reed, Islanders vs. Bulldogs, Tag Champs Strike Force vs. Hart Foundation, Demolition run over Ken Patera, Bigelow vs. The Gang, Steamboat vs. Rick Rude, Dibiase vs. Jake the Snake, Andre in action, Ultimate Warrior continues to dominate, Bees are everywhere, and so much more. All of that, and yes, Soundbites Galore!

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Grenade Episode #110 covering JANUARY 1988 in the WWF featuring tons of News & Results! First, it's all of the latest WWF NEWS ncluding...
the arrival of Bad News Brown, the latest on the Royal Rumble (or is it the RUMBLE ROYAL, Gene?), Bunkhouse Battle Royals, Big Bubba Rogers headed in, Joel Watts quits, Billy Jack Haynes & King Kong Bundy finish up, the sight of WrestleMania IV now determined, Bam Bam Bigelow's injury, WWF Magazine numbers spike, the return of "C-Shows", canceled events, & more. Plus, the WWF announces several new PPVs and Jim Crockett answers with his own TBS specials! From there, I'll look into WWF Results for the month of January including WWF Champion Hulk Hogan vs. "Ravishing" Rick Rude, IC Champ Honky Tonk Man vs. The Macho Man inside a STEEL CAGE,  The Glamour Girls vs. Jumping Bomb Angels, Beefcake vs. Valentine, Race vs. Duggan, Muraco vs. Reed, Islanders vs. Bulldogs, Tag Champs Strike Force vs. Hart Foundation, Demolition run over Ken Patera, Bigelow vs. The Gang, Steamboat vs. Rick Rude, Dibiase vs. Jake the Snake, Andre in action, Ultimate Warrior continues to dominate, Bees are everywhere, and so much more. All of that, and yes, Soundbites Galore!

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Creators & Guests

Ray Russell

What is The Wrestling Memory Grenade?

You pull the pin and we’ll pick up the pieces… Join host Ray Russell for an exciting trip down Memory Lane as we analyze and discuss years of wrestling history from your favorite promotions. From Hulkamania to Mulkeymania, from the Four Horsemen to the nWo, from the Midnight Express to the Lex Express. Which promotion are we deep diving into next? What year have we time-traveled back to now? Tune in and find out!