Build a Vibrant Culture Podcast

How can adult learning transform your life and create a vibrant culture?

In this episode of the Build a Vibrant Culture podcast, I interviewed Dr. Carrie Graham, an adult learning strategist and training consultant. Dr. Graham discusses the importance of adult learning in personal and professional development. She emphasizes the role of leaders in fostering a culture that values learning and the need for training programs to be customized to individual learners. Dr. Graham also shares her personal experiences as an adult learner and her approach to helping organizations enhance their training practices. 

Here is what we covered in this podcast:

  • Discussion on the barriers and challenges of adult learning
  • Importance of behavior in leadership and how it is not solely defined by position or title
  • Dr. Graham's personal experience of going back to college as an adult learner
  • Role of adult learning strategist in analyzing and customizing training programs for organizations
  • Importance of including learners in the training process through activities and discussions
  • Significance of application in the learning process
  • Creating structures and processes for consistency and quality in training and development
  • Dr. Graham's personal approach to adult learning and its impact on her personal life
  • Role of leaders in training and development and creating a culture that values and supports adult learning

Whether you're seeking personal growth or aiming to enrich your organization's culture, this episode is a must-listen for those eager to unleash their potential and create a vibrant, purpose-driven future.

What is Build a Vibrant Culture Podcast?

The Build a Vibrant Culture Podcast brings together amazing leaders, entrepreneurs, and experts to share the successes, challenges, and secrets to living and leading as a VIBRANT Leader.

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