Being Herd Podcast

This week's episode brings you Güliz Ünlü. Founder of Equuarius, Güliz is a practitioner of Euine bowen therapy, Animal Communication, and the Bodytalk system which she studied extensively. Güliz is currently living off grid with her herd of 5 horses in BC, Canada. She has a unique approach to healing which grounds in her innate ability to understand the quantum field with her years of experience in animal and human observation, alongside a deeply introspective nature she brings forward a sense of trust and compassion for the realm of possibility we are all tapped into.   

Güliz represents a future of deep, genuine listening which we are all moving towards. It is an honour to have her on the podcast and I for one am very excited to see where the next few years take her, her herd, and her work.

Thank you for listening!

Connect with Güliz Ünlü:
Instagram: Güliz Ünlü

What is Being Herd Podcast?

This podcast is a place for the new paradigm of the horse industry to have a place to expand. Join me, the herd, and guests in the simple act of sharing our horse related experiences and explorations, in a space where human and horse can come together.