Prayers and Ponderings

Walking Holy Week’s Road, A Prayer by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
Loving God,
 Lead me step by step
 On this Holy Week road
 And form Your will and way
 In answer to the weariness
 And worry of the world
 So easily residing in my soul.
Let the same sustaining spirit
 You poured into Christ Jesus
 Be poured ever anew into me 
 Answering every resistance
 Begging me to distraction
 From Your gracious gift
 Of a life fully alive
 Despite twists and turns
 Formed by the world 
 And also by me.
Yes, Love,
 Walk me into this week
 In reverent, holy wonder
 Revealing Your mysteries 
 Easily overlooked or ignored
 In rush to lesser things
 Urging a numbness 
 Of heart and mind and soul.

Moment by moment 
 Hour by hour
 Day by day
 Etch Your Holy story
 Anew in my heart and mind
 Answering every sorrow
 And anguish of the world
 With just enough light
 To lead me on Your path
 Toward a rising unimaginable
 Except by You who forms
 The impossible into the probable.

Let this motion of You 
 Renew not only me
 But Your whole creation 
 Whom You love into life
 That Your wholeness and fullness
 May emerge ever anew
 In the least likely of places
 In the most difficult circumstances
 Using people often overlooked 
 By the powers and principalities
 Of a world practiced in resistance 
 To Your Holy motion 
 Of resurrection renewal.
O Love, 
 Walk me into this week
 Transforming every cross
 Of the world’s making 
 From death into Life
 Giving rise to something Holy
 Beautiful, loving and good
 That Your joy may finally 
 Find its way into the heart
 Of your very human family.
Yes, Love,
 Sustain me on this walk
 Down Your Holy Week road
 Forming my little love
 With Your large Love
 Into some sacred cross 
 Of Your Holy intersection.

Prayer by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
Intro and Outro Music by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins

What is Prayers and Ponderings?

The Heartland Conference Podcast of the United Church of Christ.