Wellness By Design Group

In this episode of WBDG, join us on a heartfelt journey as we delve into the conscious choices my wife and I make to limit toxicity in our household, promoting a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle for our family. From self-care products to cleaning supplies, and even the food on our plates, we share the ups and downs of our ongoing commitment to creating a toxin-free haven.
Exploring our individual stories, we discuss the impact of geographic location and financial means on our ability to make these choices. Realizing that everyone's journey is unique, we aim to inspire and empower listeners to make small, meaningful changes that align with their own circumstances.
Discover the strategies we've adopted to navigate the maze of labels and ingredients, ensuring that the items we bring into our home contribute to our overall well-being. From prioritizing organic and locally sourced produce to selecting sustainable and ethical clothing, we share practical tips and insights that have helped us make informed decisions without breaking the bank.
This podcast episode is not just about the products we buy but the values we uphold as a family. Join us as we reflect on the importance of this lifetime journey towards a healthier and more conscious lifestyle and learn how you too can embark on your path to a toxin-free home, regardless of where you are on your financial journey.
#CancerWarrior #Melanoma #CancerCare #IntegrativeMedicine #LowToxicity #foodchoices #HealingJourney #PodcastInterview #wellness #wellnessjourney 
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What is Wellness By Design Group?

The "CEO of Your Health, Wellness, and Longevity Opportunities" podcast is a wellness platform empowering individuals to take charge of their health and well-being by exploring a wide range of treatments, therapies, and life hacks for both mental and physical wellness. The platform focuses on combining both western and eastern approaches to fight diseases and promote longevity. Through engaging discussions, expert interviews, and informative content, the podcast encourages listeners to adopt a proactive approach towards their health, foster self-awareness, and develop resilience through adversity.