Kyle and Dave vs The Machine

A film where a boy needs to return an alien home. Kyle wishes his fingers lit up. Dave wants to ride a bike with a basket on the front. The Machine thinks ET is scary. Matt Koplik joins the conversation to breakdown why this film still works after 40 years.

Show Notes

A film where a boy needs to return an alien home. Kyle wishes his fingers lit up. Dave wants to ride a bike with a basket on the front. The Machine thinks ET is scary. Matt Koplik joins the conversation to breakdown why this film still works after 40 years.

You can listen to Broadway Breakdown on Apple Podcasts:
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You can follow Matt on Instagram:

You can follow us on Letterboxd to see the entire list of movies we've talked about:

Watch the trailer for E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial here:

Our sponsors this week are: 
  1. Pod Power - With Pod Power, our sponsors are making it possible for us to amplify the voices of Albertans and Alberta podcasters. This episode, Edmonton Community Foundation is helping us give a Pod Power shout out to Book Women - - A podcast where three Métis aunties figure out how to publish, edit, and write Indigenous stories.
  2. ATB Cares - - ATB Cares makes it easy for all Albertans to support the causes they care about. In addition to your donation ATB will match 20% of every dollar donated to to an annual limit of $360,000 to Alberta-based, non-religious charities. Eligible charities may receive up to $5,000 in matching per year. Individual donations qualify for a maximum donation match of $500.

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Kyle and Dave vs The Machine is a proud member of The Alberta Podcast Network: Locally grown. Community supported. Here's their link again:

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What is Kyle and Dave vs The Machine?

A sentient machine forces Kyle and Dave to watch movies in order to prevent the apocalypse.