Prodity: Product by Design

With extensive experience in mobile gaming, as well as spatial data and real estate, Beau Button co-founded Atlas Reality, a mobile gaming company that bridges the digital and physical worlds. On this episode, we discuss how he’s created augmented reality games like Atlas Earth, plans for Web3 games like Atlas Mars, and the future of blockchain in gaming, content creation, and beyond. 

We also discuss our favorite old school video game consoles from NeoGeo to Commodore 64. And the future of AR/VR, designing games in VR, and the future of the metaverse as a presentation layer. As well as the use of artificial intelligence in gaming and software development. 

Beau Button:
Beau Button has been actively involved with software development since he was 11 years old. He got his start learning about computers around age 9, digging into the hardware side of things first, and eventually picked up software development at age 11. Having spent most his career as a serial entrepreneur working in the government space, Beau has now transitioned into the mobile gaming space through his company Atlas Reality, Inc. Beau has become a technology & automation enthusiast, even in his personal life. He spends a majority of his time outside of work building through 3d printing, and is very passionate about hunger/food scarcity, education and veganism.

Links from the Show:
LinkedIn: Beau Button

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Fascinating conversations with founders, leaders, and experts about product management, artificial intelligence (AI), user experience design, technology, and how we can create the best product experiences for users and our businesses.