The Social Housing Podcast

There's an abundance of software/technology available to housing providers nowadays:

✅ Housing management systems.

✅ Debt/rent collection softwares.

✅ Customer experience platforms.

...and while all of this tech is great and very useful.

If you're unable to tie all of these systems together.

And get them to speak to one another 🗣

You're likely:

A) Making the customer journey more complex and difficult than it was before you actually implemented the tech 🤦‍♂️

B) Not getting a "full picture view" of your tenancies because everything is operating in silos rather than together as a WHOLE.

A.K.A. You're doing digitalisation NOT digitisation.

Easy trap to fall into but a giant "inefficiency beast" if left alone.

What is The Social Housing Podcast?

The Social Housing Podcast will be a series of interviews with thought leaders in the Social Housing industry, providing them an exclusive platform to speak about topics important to them, while shaping the conversation around landlords and tenants.