Bitches & Liches

Bitches & Liches is an actual play podcast featuring five friends playing Blue Rose, an RPG of romantic fantasy.

In this episode: The group meets a Good person from an interesting Place, and they learn something of great import that Skort neglected to report. This episode very quickly devolves into a rhyming session, but we bring it back around when Skort meets with someone who actually saw the dragon. There are forts, some port, a brief mention of sports, and more(t)!


Show Notes

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What is Bitches & Liches?

Bitches & Liches features five friends doing their best in the world of Aldea. GM Jessica leads players Amber, Katie Tregs, Robin, and Sam Tregs through endless fun and adventure in Blue Rose, the AGE RPG of romantic fantasy. Join this group of fighters, magic-users, and a talking crocodile as they travel and get up to all manner of silly shenanigans every other Tuesday!