Prayers and Ponderings

Temple Body - A Prayer written and read by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
O Love,
  Bless this temple body
  Given as gift by You
  Enlivened by Your Spirit
  For worship and work
  In thanks and praise
  Of all You make possible.
Form in me a reverence
  For care of this gift
  Of body given by You
  For the purposes of love
  To build Your justice joy
  For the full flourishing
  Of everybody’s body.
Bless my ordinary eating
  With your Holy Spirit
  And awaken me
  To Your precious presence
  Bearing Your life-giving
  Energy of eternity
  Here and now. 
Grant me grace
  To savor the sacramental sip
  Of Your life-giving water
  Forming and reforming
  Each cell of the universe
  Of universes you form
  In every living body.
Quiet my mind and heart
  Enough to hear Your pulse
  Bearing Your life large
  In this little body of me.
Yes, Love, 
  Bless this temple body
  That I may walk and work
  Speak and keep silence
  And reverence this gift
  Formed by You
  For reverencing You
  In every other body
  Also formed by You.

Prayer by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins
Intro and Outro Music by the Rev. Dr. David Long-Higgins

What is Prayers and Ponderings?

The Heartland Conference Podcast of the United Church of Christ.