The Obligatory PSU Podcast

The Obligatory PSU Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 158 Season 1

FALL '24 Episode 9: Kent Stand Ya

FALL '24 Episode 9: Kent Stand YaFALL '24 Episode 9: Kent Stand Ya

During the dull offseason months when football-starved fans obsess over such things, many observers noted a conspicuous flaw in the final version of Penn State's 2024 schedule (not to be confused with the several other interim versions that came and went thanks to the ever-expanding ranks of the Big Ten). A bye week in only the third week of the season seemed less than ideal - too early in the year and sandwiched between two nothing opponents, it appeared neither useful for recovery nor as preparation for a big game. As it turns out, we were probably wrong about that. After a difficult outing against Bowling Green revealed the flaws of a team breaking in three new coordinators and a key player, leader, and team captain in K.J. Winston was bitten by the injury bug, the early off-week now feels like a Godsend for the team to retool and regroup. Not so for those us in the media world however. With only two games in the books, both of which have already been analyzed to death, filling time becomes a challenge. We'll do our best though!

Grab your pencil and your paper, it's the Obligatory PSU Podcast.

HOSTED BY: Brandon Noble, Mike "The Mailman" Herr, Kevin Horne, Chris Buchignani

What is The Obligatory PSU Podcast?

The Obligatory PSU Podcast features wide-ranging discussions of Penn State sports, Nittany Lions football in particular, and all things Penn State and Happy Valley from the cast of The Obligatory PSU Pregame Show: Former Penn State and NFL defensive lineman Brandon Noble (’92-97), campus icon Mike “the Mailman” Herr, Mount Nittany Conservancy Board Secretary Kevin Horne, and seven-time Sam's Club Member Chris Buchignani. Along with a rotating cast of characters from around State College and across Nittany Nation, the guys focus on the stories, issues, and personalities surrounding the Blue and White fan experience.

The Obligatory PSU Podcast delivers fun and insightful commentary on the teams, University, and place that are beloved by many thousands of students, alumni, and fans. There’s no pretense of objectivity or “journalistic” distance here; these guys are here because they care, and their Penn State knowledge and love shine through in every installment. The goal is to touch on a broad variety of topics relating to the Nittany Lions in conversations that are frequently funny and occasionally profound, all while enjoying a few (or more) adult beverages. If you’ve got Penn State in your blood, you’ll enjoy sharing the journey with us.