(Re)Search for Solutions

In Episode 2 of (Re)Search for Solutions, we talk about adverse childhood experiences, or “ACEs,” and how they can help us think more broadly about the impacts of gun violence and how to prevent it. We focus on the implications for school safety practices in particular.

Show Notes

In Episode 2 of (Re)Search for Solutions, we talk about adverse childhood experiences, or “ACEs,” and how they can help us think more broadly about the impacts of gun violence and how to prevent it. We focus on the implications for school safety practices in particular.
Lalitha Vasudevan interviews our usual host, Sonali Rajan, Professor at Teachers College and the Mailman School of Public Health, about her work on how researchers can think of gun violence as an “adverse childhood experience.” Sonali talks with Danielle Kassow from Trauma Free NYC about ACEs and how schools can take a “trauma informed” approach to gun violence prevention. And Sonali sits down with Laurie, the director of her son’s pre-school, to talk about how they approach school safety while being mindful of the needs of their students.
Special thanks to Kyle Oliver for help with mastering this episode.
Talk to us on Twitter using the hashtag #R4S!
Production Team: Azsaneé Truss, Joe Riina-Ferrie, Sonali Rajan, and Lalitha Vasudevan
Editing: Joe Riina-Ferrie with the help of the (Re)Search for Solutions team
Music: “Research Area” by Poitr Pacyna
Website: ResearchforSolutions.com
The views expressed in this episode are solely those of the speaker to whom they are attributed. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the faculty, administration, staff or Trustees either of Teachers College or of Columbia University.

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