In Development Podcast

Join us for an insightful discussion on urban development as we connect with Clarence Wong, Vice President at Investec Consulting. Born and raised in Edmonton, Clarence's background includes a BSc in Civil Engineering and a Master of Engineering Degree in Construction Management from the University of Alberta. His 20-year career spans consulting and public service, with experience in Transportation Planning, City Planning, and leading roles in both Provincial and Municipal levels.

In this episode, Clarence shares his journey from working with the City of Edmonton to his current role at Invistec, outlining the differences between the public and private sectors. Listeners can expect to hear about some of the challenges, but also opportunities, that emerge in balancing municipal needs with private development interests. Clarence provides a deep dive into the decision-making processes, highlighting the distinct motivations and objectives that drive each sector.

Edmonton's City Plan comes to the forefront of the discussion as Clarence touches on some of the collaborative efforts required to meet densification goals,  such as removing barriers and creating incentives to catalyze infill development. He shares valuable insights into the infrastructure requirements from an engineering perspective, emphasizing the holistic life cycle approach needed to create vibrant communities.

Tune in to learn more about the dynamics of public and private and the role each sector plays in building inclusive, sustainable communities.

What is In Development Podcast?

This is the podcast for all you city-builders, city-shapers and city-dwellers out there that care about driving change towards people- centred communities. On In-Development we talk about how Canadian cities develop in and up. We are presented by IDEA, the infill Development in Edmonton Association, a non-profit education and advocacy group bringing together like-minded people working to shape our City.