You Don't Sound Autistic (YDSA)

Multitasking should be called multi-firing especially when describing the neurological crossfires women find themselves dealing with every day. Still boxed in by gender roles, childbearing, child rearing and household management on top of working to afford today's climbing costs of living, women with ADHD are repeatedly missed and misdiagnosed due to improper evaluation of women's cycles, hormones and scripted coping mechanisms. Women with ADHD and Autism, as Blake describes from his own experience, is like walking with one short leg and one long leg and always feeling off balance and caught between two often opposite socio-emotional responses. 

What is You Don't Sound Autistic (YDSA)?

Welcome to our mental health awareness podcast. If you're one of the millions of teens, adults and (entire) families being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD (hyperactive)/ADD (inattentive), Anxiety, Depression or other Neurodiverse conditions without a meaningful support group or a roadmap, jump right in with us.

Our raw and unfiltered journey will help you. We'll break it down and talk about it in a real, raw and sometimes tragic perspective. We lived it. And thanks to a few key people, we're still alive today to talk about it. So let's talk about.