Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast

To our dear audience, as warfare escalates in Ukraine, we are taking a week off in honor of those who have fallen and those who continue to struggle for their lives in a truly terrible sequence of events. These are indeed troubling times and we hope that our podcast helps us in some small way to find light in the darkest hours.
Please rest assured that Dawn of an Era of Well-Being will return next week at the customary time when we will bring as our guest, none other than the author, political activist, spiritual advisor, and one time US Presidential candidate, Marianne Williamson. In the interim, we encourage you to peruse our list of previous episodes as a timeless resource of wisdom and inspiration.

Show Notes

To our dear audience, as warfare escalates in Ukraine, we are taking a week off in honor of those who have fallen and those who continue to struggle for their lives in a truly terrible sequence of events. These are indeed troubling times and we hope that our podcast helps us in some small way to find light in the darkest hours.

Please rest assured that Dawn of an Era of Well-Being will return next week at the customary time when we will bring as our guest, none other than the author, political activist, spiritual advisor, and one time US Presidential candidate, Marianne Williamson. In the interim, we encourage you to peruse our list of previous episodes as a timeless resource of wisdom and inspiration.   


What is Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast?

Dawn of An Era of Well-Being is the podcast that brings together some of the world’s most innovative thinkers to weigh in on matters concerning the future of ourselves and our planet—and to discuss that future not as something to be predicted, but to be created.
In each episode, your hosts Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao, and moderator Alison Goldwyn will converse with guests from numerous disciplines to help us navigate a new worldview which derives its wisdom from a synthesis of ancient and modern, East and West, and science and spirituality. From these seemingly divergent perspectives, we will demonstrate how to we can create a new narrative and usher in the dawn of a better era.