Femtech Health Podcast

In this episode, physical therapist Ginger Garner shares her journey into pelvic health, bridging the gap between orthopedic and pelvic health. She discusses her background in athletic training, starting out covering sports like soccer and wrestling, which led her to explore pelvic health issues. Ginger highlights the evolution of pelvic health awareness since the 90s and emphasizes the continuous learning in the field. Tune in to learn more about the fascinating connection between vocalizations and pelvic floor health with Ginger Garner.

  • (09:14) Ginger emphasizes the importance of integrating orthopedic and pelvic health, suggesting that spending time in outpatient orthopedics before specializing in pelvic health can provide a comprehensive understanding of the body's interrelationships.
  • (17:46) Ginger discusses the significance of using musculoskeletal ultrasounds in her practice, highlighting how real-time imaging has expedited the assessment and treatment process, leading to quicker recovery for patients.
  • (25:36) Ginger addresses the importance of a systems-based approach in therapy, emphasizing the need to treat the entire body rather than focusing solely on symptoms, especially when working with trauma patients.
  • (35:58) Ginger explains the impact of trauma on the body, particularly in relation to the voice and pelvic floor, emphasizing the importance of trust-building and functional testing to address underlying issues.
  • (45:58) Ginger delves into the role of the vagus nerve in regulating various bodily functions, including voice modulation, stress responses, and emotional regulation, underscoring the importance of vagal toning strategies in therapy.
Host Bio

This podcast is hosted by Sheree Dibiase, PT ICLM. She is a nationally recognized women's health physical therapist who owns seven private clinics — one of the biggest networks in the US. She has spent 30+ years practicing in the oncology, pelvic floor, and prenatal postpartum healthcare spaces. She was also a professor for seven years a Loma Linda University where she taught kinesiology. 
Brought to you by...

https://lakecitypt.com/ - Women's health physical therapy.

https://pelvicfloorpro.com/ - Pelvic floor physical therapy from home. 

Femtech, Women's Health, Pelvic Floor, Breast Cancer, Prenatal & postpartum

What is Femtech Health Podcast?

Femtech and women's health podcast. We talk to leading experts in endometriosis, prenatal postpartum, pelvic floor, biotech and more. Join us weekly for conversations your OBGYN didn't even know existed.