The Truth About Trading

Start your day with some quick inspiration! I posted one of my favorite quotes on Facebook and I wanted to not only share that with you but also share the recent story I read on how Sylvester Stallone got his role in the movie Rocky by simply believing in himself, even after he was turned down multiple times due to his birth defect.

Show Notes

Start your day with some quick inspiration! I posted one of my favorite quotes on Facebook and I wanted to not only share that with you but also share the recent story I read on how Sylvester Stallone got his role in the movie Rocky by simply believing in himself, even after he was turned down multiple times due to his birth defect.

What is The Truth About Trading?

This podcast is for everybody interested stock trading, option trading, investing in real estate, making money and motivation. Your host is Markus Heitkoetter, a self-made multi-millionaire, bestselling author, and the Leading Trading and Investment Expert. Markus Heitkoetter is also the CEO and Founder of Rockwell Trading.