Enacting the Kingdom

"Assessing Status" is a game that improv actors use to develop their skills, and it's also a game that we play daily as we interact with other people.  It's part of the context of every relationship, every encounter.

High and low status are neither good nor bad in and of themselves, but both are assumed as roles and can be used to move the narrative forward.  Status is also complex and is hardly fixed — it shifts backwards and forwards between high and low as we interact with others.

Fr Yuri and Fr Geoffrey explore examples of this status narrative in the Scriptures and in church history. As we continue on in the fourth act of this five act play, how do we assess and work out what role we as Christians have to address the world and the issues of the day? Spoiler: we don't always have to assume high status!
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What is Enacting the Kingdom?

Welcome to ‘Enacting the Kingdom’: A Podcast about Liturgical Worship.

Fr. Yuri Hladio is an Orthodox Christian Priest with a life-long desire to keep learning. Fr. Geoffrey holds a doctorate in Liturgical Theology and is the co-director of the Orthodox School of Theology at the University of Toronto. Together they explore the liturgical services of the Orthodox Christian Church.