Gut Check Project

Rachel Scheer is a fitness model, BS Nutrition and Dietetics, and Functional Medicine Nutritionist . She has several years of experience directing clients to better whole health, and has personal journey of having to find better gut health. She has long collaborated with physicians to allow her clients a more comprehensive picture of improving and maintaining health. Dr. Jay Yepuri, MD, is a board certified gastroenterologist, the CMO of Riduzone, and has served the gastroenterology community in many capacities including being a former president of the TSGE. Dr. Jay is an ardent patient advocate, and has long worked to improve health and patient outcomes by looking beyond the traditional establishment approach. Both of the guests in this episode have played a critical role in creating the DHAT Health box. (DHAT = Digestive Health Associates of Texas) A vehicle for consumers to get direct advice on home products and supplements that are fully vetted, approved, and shown to deliver health benefits, at a competitive cost delivered monthly.DHAT Boxhttps://dhatbox.comRachelhttps://rachelscheer.comInstagram: @rachelscheer and Jay & Riduzone (DRJAY for 30% off)https://dfwgidoctor.com @DFW_GI_DocAtrantil

Show Notes

Rachel Scheer is a fitness model, BS Nutrition and Dietetics, and Functional Medicine Nutritionist . She has several years of experience directing clients to better whole health, and has personal journey of having to find better gut health. She has long collaborated with physicians to allow her clients a more comprehensive picture of improving and maintaining health.
Dr. Jay Yepuri, MD, is a board certified gastroenterologist, the CMO of Riduzone, and has served the gastroenterology community in many capacities including being a former president of the TSGE. Dr. Jay is an ardent patient advocate, and has long worked to improve health and patient outcomes by looking beyond the traditional establishment approach.
Both of the guests in this episode have played a critical role in creating the DHAT Health box. (DHAT = Digestive Health Associates of Texas) A vehicle for consumers to get direct advice on home products and supplements that are fully vetted, approved, and shown to deliver health benefits, at a competitive cost delivered monthly.
Instagram: @rachelscheer and @rachelscheernutrition
Dr. Jay & Riduzone (DRJAY for 30% off)
Instagram @DFW_GI_Doc

Progressive number line number two employee hey Jamie it's me Jimmy this is your daily peptalk I know it's been rough going ever since people found out about your a cappella group met harmony but you will bounce back I mean the guy always helping people find coverage options with the name your price tool it should be you given me the peptalk now get out there get that high note and take Matt harmony all the way to nationals this is sorry the insurance company and affiliate by state law and gentlemen welcome to the gut check project where we all take our egos in the door with your host Dr. Kent Brown MD I am Eric Rager 10 it is episode number nine we think that this is so exciting my lysing cats there's nine it's a great number so it's also number there's a Seinfeld I think it was that no no I know it was a fierce Buehler 19 kind every time I hear the date faded number nine this is so exciting though because were starting a little traction were being get on the message by people this is really fun and I cannot tell you how excited I am about today show today show it we actually have we actually have a real offer we've got viewers who have been watching us weekly and now we have something we can actually give back to them and then well know you're right I'm pretty fired up in fact today's episode is unlike any other we have an offer for everyone here to tell us about that often help us explain it is going to be Rachel Scheer certified sports nutritionist and fitness model as well as Dr. J Dr. J Perry and I he is a course a board-certified guesser neurologist and he happens to serve as the CMO of Rich's own which a lot of our listeners are probably heard us talk about absolutely so this is not so the reason I'm so excited about this just wouldn't be doing offer but more importantly our two guests are actually amazing people so Rachel has this fantastic story she's super smart she's a nutritionist and she's able to stay in incredible shape and she's got help our listeners hopefully look a little bit like her someday so we were just on mojo and I had to laugh that Brad Brad encouraged her that she is off to a good start which was pretty funny yeah and I just hope she can hold together before she got ahead and like like many people that are very passionate about their jobs she has a heroes journey that she's young tells about and choosing to explain how she ended up doing this and you're getting her degree at Baylor and overcoming some obstacles and all of the above which is awesome and so that's gonna be super excited talk to her about that she's a big advocate of I'm trying to my baby that's her and I got to know each other and that she can talk about proper way to eat properly to exercise and it might surprise you because a lot of people are probably being way too restrictive for there being two other trying to do this and that and she's you and explain how look like she does still pretty much what you want sure you get to know her story a bit better it's really cool because she has her own personal journey did that relates to a lot of people the May you may think that people they want to come on and talk about things like that that their story does relate to you that it at the case at all she would just recently spoke at the millionaire mastermind is over 500 people to pay a lot of money to be a mastermind group and they had her as a speaker discussing this and she's really open about that because when you look at somebody that is overcome some struggles you realize hey I can do this and there's people like that out there that have learned how to use nutrition which I consider the foundation of all health because if you have good nutrition you have a healthy.all health begins and ends in the chair and she also collaborates with lots of other gastroenterologist including yourself to help serve the people that you serve and it's it's a great unified front she's a great collaborator in that capacity absolutely and then somebody that I completely respect so that we have on that his name is Dr. J you. He is an influencer in the gastroenterology world definitely she was the former president of the Texas Society of gastrointestinal G.I. TSG whatever that stands for but anyways he was president of that he got a political science degree from Penn University super smart I worked with him for the last 17 years he's an influencer always doing the right thing always looking at things from both a political and a patient centric view how do we do the right thing politically and make sure that the patient gets the best of everything we need more people like him out there talking about laws making sure that patients get access to healthcare and he's also the chief medical officer of the product or trauma ridges on emergent get into that and that's super cool also if you haven't heard of it stay tuned because it is so neat we're going to cover so much ground to the front so excited I respect both our guests so much and Anna learned a ton every sewer guest we have had I've learned a lot and that's one of the reasons why we do the show edit without question more thing to add to Jay I like to say that I've doing anesthesia I've gotten to work with a lot of different positions all different kinds of capacities but the people that often times stick out are those that you can tell are altruistic and function as real patient advocates has deftly Dr. J he's been that way since the day that I don't and it's it's no wonder why it's put him into the position that he's in now the cool thing is is that either one of these guests could easily get deftly have either one of them on specifically to talk about what all of their interest are just by themselves but they join together because they actually want to talk about this offer that's coming up later absolutely Emmy is more likely will have each one of these guests back on to give them a full hour and have to say whatever on their mind but today we have such a big offer that we believe it to really important people should announce it with us sure without question real quick paying the bills don't forget that if you ever suffer from bloating go to love my that's love my use the code spoony it's also printed on that landing page whenever you get there and does save some money on the world's only NSF certified for sport product for IBS symptoms and bloating and if you're wondering what NSF is well Rachel can explain yeah she might just bill a bit familiar with it without being in sports nutrition and death course to all of the people that are just clever wondering really good sign that one of the things that I have been told by I was message said that so whenever you talk about the landing page people did not realize how much money they can save when the putting that code spoony so not only do you go there and get it but you're gonna save a lot of money was pretty surly listening use that code use it as it saves money definitely all a lot of money that's right and just to follow after that train of thought there Oya this last week and received lots of email keep them coming I appreciate all of the comments we had last week of Chris being on episode number eight Christmas song course was the market expert for him but I'm still getting requests for information on how to connect with that James Carroll and of course how do I find Dr. Wade McKenna if you want to know anything about stem cells go back to that episode so much so that he was spotted on our episode by someone making a ducky series about stem cells and now Dr. Wade McInnes can be featured oh that's awesome that crazy man one thing I learned from that night I just said I respect him as a doctor that stood by his guns and realize that he developed this get a patent on something church and just to reiterate that a better thing came out anyway you better come and use you even though my names on this thing that is amazing to me that you shows pure patient advocacy so it's hard work for me is that it looked a lot easier my brain but yeah that's right I think that the just blown my mind with at the infancy of where stem cell is same thing with all these other topics that were really try to tackle here and show you will try and bring a little knowledge differently so if if you want to connect with the show to ask more questions about Dr. Wayne McKenna James Carroll Joy Beckerman Chrissy song anybody we had in the show Sean Brian's please go to gut check and then you will find the connect tab of the top Stratus an email at any point in time and if you like to show all we ask that you do is subscribe and like it and share it with different absolutely were gaining some traction you see today that these Rachel has acute social media following go ahead and check out her Instagram page it's it Angel at Rachel Scheer nutrition register nutrition correct they all pretty much leave the same place you can find right and that's our ACH yell SCh ER and of course like always will: include all links about our guests and the offer in the show notes you can always find us at YouTube channel gut check project and on iTunes search.check project so absolutely now to move into the little personal stuff like we normally do and you hit some KB MD corner news so that Ken is going on I got an interesting week I just came back from Newark New Jersey right where I was part of filming our national commercial for trying to nine are going to launch a national campaign on TV that's always fun to go there and see a totally different industry and realize what's happening and I guess the the take away it was good it went really well is really fun when I was doing my makeup I had to laugh because I was this the makeup artist had all her material out there and of course as a guest neurologist one thing I noticed Miller's tons of things was a tube of Preparation H grab that and I said you know I can help you with this issue like she is and how it I my casserole dishes like oh my gosh no use of her eyes I put another piece of the bag felt like saying if you preparation H layout picture hemorrhoids said that she's fine pretty hard to explain them away so I did that and the kids the usual thing would go to my daughter Carl in theater is their learning about wicked so now she wants you to New York watch with good and will probably maybe consider going in August when that superhot wants the U.S. Open also I don't know but I'm being coerced into going to watch wicked in New York and my son just came back from Florida where he played in IGF which is the next level XVIII and under kind of thing you heavily second round upbeat by the 70th right player in the world did it proudly played well and the guy that did it pulled him aside and kinda coach Leftwich which I think is the coolest eyes and said you're brewing up and comers is awesome work on this work on this hidden feedback he gave them feedback this is this is this what I did when you did this so yeah and that's so was worth the trip to Lucas he lost second-round beloved so what's wrong with your family the boys are basically just attacking the hoop this said this, we can they have a quick tournament they both played over the weekend they they play dad Monday and that's that seems to be the agenda they did go and see the latest not this is how little I know about superheroes I know that there is a big blockbuster superhero movie that just came out and told Sue spoiler alert this for me I wouldn't do it because I don't even know the name of it as they both my girl you know that that's when the running joke is that don't do any spoiler alerts everybody it's all over read it I don't know you don't have to do that I don't have your luck you do a starless vision arguing for now absolutely not and wife is doing great she's really busy this weekend with a bunch of the local activities she's heavily involved with that and then not getting run with you actually on a quick business trip at Arizona separate in the transit the week for me yeah we one quick shout out to a friend of mine and a colleague Dr. Stuart Ackerman he's a part reminder to check them out he's a specialist in the pancreas issues biliary US ERCP that kind of thing but he sent me a link to somebody that we both really like it's little Dickie yeah remember the wrapper little Dickie just came out with an earth video was really cool was he sent me a follow-up video on YouTube where he talks about how the way that we are producing our food is affecting the environment what I loved about it through some of the cows producing methane and of course that's right in our wheelhouse until yeah so you don't methane what if your bacteria grow merchant you're going to get very bloated and when that happens it can affect you know we always talk about our demographic and our avatar when we talk about marketing you really need to dial it in and I was messaged by half port Bjorn soon he plays the mountain from Game of thrones and Magis von Magnuson they have me that heavy letter from ESPN ESPN strongman yeah and they said you know we get bloated also and you're ignoring our demographic what yeah and so I spoke with you know I spoke with our team at the altar until I said were completely ignoring a group of people here and so were you got a new SKU for the mountain of game of thrones and Magnus Vaughn Magnuson fields take over the microsecond down I will go ahead and show you this is going to narrate what reductions doing okay so he stepping away and I get out of do this in golf voice or not you listening to I tend you can see the visual who he's opening up backhoe he's training down like you got an atlas down all my goodness there is a gigantic take green box marked just like the familiar Arbitron teal box while yeah so this is our newest view is trying to yield for strongmen it is a it is 40 kg look like a like a month on your back will I can tweet it I'm faking it right now all intentions even the later nature calls on that inflammatory response so I know this is not a strong man I know they did not actually message me this is actually a gift for episode number nine from our CEO Chuck Scott also super cool nice it looks it's an exact replica of the little one originally this guy right here at all times because I'll try until we can fix people we help with their bloating even strongmen but they don't have to take the big box was nice in the coal that was such a cool gesture and supernatant that's you know something that we get the word out for international commercial now yeah like that and I just got is the CEO KBS research the parent company of trying to also add nice work. There Chuck I do notice though can hear the bottom it says I 90 capsules just like the yeah like the regular size yes so in the also says to 75 mg just like the regular size are you there must be a lot of empty space in these capsules well knowing that we were initially making this for strongmen how you know each capsules about 2 inches long and filled with lead social to really weigh it down okay since no one can swallow so if you if you ordered the large volume here Voltron tales going to cost you a lot of shipping and you will not be will go through metal detector and lead poisoning social just just order the smile you have a bigger one here for you like I had to laugh Chuck Scott just messaged us and said oh my gosh you had me going I thought you were seriously well yeah that's what you I like that know that's that's awesome I think that is so cool and you don't mean that's what were trying to do as a company were trying to sponsor spoony radio care so the alternate what you brought up Morse code last weekend and bid chow down and there's water you chow down his restaurant on his lot really really cool shows and of course we got our we got a man Patrick chef Patrick is yet a show so gently awesome well once you hit up the corner and let us know what's on the other research page for this week so basic what we always like to try and do is talk about a little bit of science here, try get that this really quick and it's gonna seem like a lot but I will come full circle and explain it at the variant and the reason I'm doing this is because our guest Dr. J Perry happens to be an expert on one of these things right on okay and what's silent here that by so I'm a big fan of the PhD name Michelle Ross meeting she wrote a book called vitamin weed and I think it's one of the more comprehensive molecular books that I have read and she covers a lot of ground here one of the things that we always have is the end of cannabinoid system we all have it just as important as the gastrointestinal system all those everywhere in the body if you think about what it really does is it links the neurologic system and the immune system so it really ties those two together so it's extremely important for a lot of different things the purpose of this is actually like a traffic cop and control the amount of nerve and about nerve activity going back and forth so just try to make sure that everything works well which is why work so well in anxiety and autoimmune diseases so the end of cannabinoid system helps deal with physical and emotional stress so now what is a cannabinoid basically you can take a cannabinoid final cannabinoid you can synthetically make one drug not a fan of those sure and your body makes him what were to talk about are the cannabinoids that your body makes okay so it's it gets into a little bit deep stuff but the most prominent thing that I want you to keep in mind is that there's two and or cannabinoids that everyone always talks about Ananda mind into a Jew when record our mothers because those are the ones ever talks about and they deserve their own hour each what I want to talk about our the atypical ones and then this actually explains why a full-spectrum Fido cannabinoid like the KB MD brand right here powered by Alexa no actually works a lot of different ways and that's one of the reasons why I believe that the full spectrum will always outperform a synthetic cannabinoid or drug cannabinoid buds naturally powered by numbing it's basically a doorway that nature intended it to happen so course is usually better yeah so even if you know quite a bit about CBD so if we get our people out there like I know all about it yeah and about to Aegean and Ananda might listen up because this is a little different so I want to talk about four different Endo cannabinoids one of him is called PEA P like a grantee that she stands for and Palma told EO then Nola mean originally discovered an egg yolk ticket of this is that it has been shown to have a potent anti-inflammatory activity and has a role in preventing neuropathic and chronic pain while one of the problems is that alcohol decreases PTA okay so keep that in mind because a lot of people trying your luck you will develop alcoholism or opiate abuse because of chronic pain a full spectrum vital cannabinoid has PEA in it so it acts in synergy with the other main one to AG and Amana mind born entourage effect when you help those out and it inhibits an enzyme that breaks it down called F88H so the enzyme FAA age breaks down your endogenous under cannabinoids So that's one I hope this works on inflammation and chronic pain then there's a supercool one called OE a and only old less than Nola mean OEA let's unfamiliar does sound familiar it's in this bottle and holding my hand from ridges on exactly what they have and here's the key ingredient's riches on one of the sponsors of mojo and spoony chief medical officer Dr. J Perry coming on the show today want to let him talk about why they put a concentrate of OEA in a bottle want to tell you is that your body makes some OEA and it's been shown to do some pretty cool things this is produced naturally in the small intestine from fatty acids and the major target is another cannabinoid receptor called P part alpha easy for you to say I know that's a proliferator activated receptor alpha now that is something that I would be doing quite a bit writing on because people are alphas or NP pile for people or gamma our associate with inflammatory processes in ulcerative colitis also the proctitis wow so I'm in a working to be publishing some really geeky cool stuff but I just want to throw this out there really quick that OEA has been shown to be good for brain health and believe it or not it's actually been shown to increase memories in rodents and it doesn't pretty cool things for weight loss but I believe that the doctor your Perry later because that's where most of the science is been done but they have shown that this molecule actually helps the brain and memory it is so wild I mean basically were talking about natural compounds available to us to make us feel better and stopping inflammation in it wild bit how many times over the last decade now have you encountered this this this crossroads of stop inflammation help your neurotic neurologic system help the way that you think helped ladies sleep I mean there's a lot of other connectivity there it just keeps going back to all health begins and ends got exactly in his illegal had explained Dr. Pursley go ahead and explain about how rigid zone gets converted in the got into this potent molecule that works in his own, different science but I did not know it actually helped with memory in the brain as well so it decreases the inflammatory response that awesome number three something lumpy will heard of DH eat a dry and dull Xhosa hex being all teeth and no new beauty mean hard that's likely make acronyms for all these no real word it's really hard to Google now this is made from the fatty acid DHA which is fish oil omega-3 DHEA has been shown to reduce inflammatory gene expression there's that word again inflammatory your body will naturally produce the hormone DHA in the adrenal gland in turn DHEA helps produce other hormones like testosterone and estrogen Rachel's really get into that some adrenal fatigue some adrenal lagging this is the kind of thing that nutritionist work on and then the last one here is not an ADA Nora can O'Donnell dopamine it's not really clear how it's made but it is made in the brain in the hippocampus region it relieves pain increases sleepiness and decreases body temperature while relaxing your muscles okay so will all those neck all those acronyms those I brought this up is because when I give CBD FIFO final cannabinoid to my patients I get all different kinds responses now it makes sense you could be deficient in one of these so the short review was necessary because patients may tell me that they sleep better with her nerve pain is better now I can say oh if you have insomnia maybe your not all levels are low or that needs be increased or if your memory is bad maybe you need more OTA oh your sex drive is down how about increasing that DHEA in other words this is why a full spectrum high-quality CBD can be so effective it's filled with all these are the benefits that nobody ever talks about how they are talks about but you know ever but a lot of different people have made these connections if you want to be healthier if you want to sleep better if you want to feel they all go together you simply have to eat better so that you can sleep better to sleep better she can think better yet the sleep better so you can repair your body it's it's amazing we've only got every half-hour or so Dragon Go! I know but everyone to you now because we have our two guests on and limits I want you to watch this live trust me on this it is good to be a cool shoulder to cover a lot of stuff and it's the offer that's most important that he has said Rachel Scheer is coming on with Dr. JJ Perry to basically deliver some great news that is happening here has been announced anywhere else and trust me you don't want to miss it subscribe and share gut check project iTunes and YouTube seamen got an old car you can donate it whether it's running or not to the United breast cancer foundation and save a life they'll even come and pick it up for free the United breast cancer foundation has saved hundreds of women's lives through their free or low-cost breast screening exams but now they need your help the United breast cancer foundation wants to save more lives through early detection by offering women free or low-cost breast screening exams in donating your old car SUV or truck whether it's running or not helps pay for them plus you get a charitable tax deduction help the United breast cancer foundation save lives by donating your old car SUV or truck call now for free pickup 800-245-0823 800-245-0823 800-245-0823 call right now that number again is 800-245-0823 it looks like you're losing I am I losing weight I am losing my lost about 10 pounds how are you doing it funny name but I've done it with review zone RAD use and the stuff works it's unique it and all that the molecule Bissonnette found in that I can tell you is it it's it makes you feel full and keep your mind off of wanting to overeat and also boost your metabolism if you're done and more guy try it today it's gonna work for you like his work for Brad and countless other people read you are IDUs FastTrack student loans can get your student loans out of the vault stop any wage garnishments stop collection calls and stop seizure of your tax refund give yourself a break to stop the stress and get your student loan payments down to as little as $25 a month based on what you can afford to pay 800-709-4395 800-709-4395 800-709-4395 800-709-4395 five so here we are back where set up where you have Rachel cheer Rachel give us a little wave over here Dr. January's on his way to show Patrick over there messing with our sign so that's that should be resolved shortly and Dr. Jacob Perry is entering the room welcome Dr. Jay running a little behind his usual not a problem so Hayward while getting started here on this the second half hour being spent on what is on the second half hour want to welcome have your Mike oh I got him holding exam. This one takes it so we believe we are we on episode 99 episode 90 so were going to fix a couple things and elect the real host Dr. Kent Brown handle the set up and I'll be back in a moment so for the record is the first time we've attempted to guess at the same time and we are working the kinks out with one of the mice it isn't working but we have the two most important people in the room here Rachel why don't you go ahead and tell us who you are my name is Rachel Sharon and functional testing test here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area is not our idea by building and can accomplish it is that how you met Dr. Jerry Perry on the on the fitness model circuit precedent lot I try try to keep that on little bit second second CV if you so knowing what no one wants to see that the ups Michael Dr. J very quick bio here what's going on with you where you come from who are you for our listeners who might well so native of Louisville Kentucky missing home this weekend because the Kentucky Derby try to make it up as often as I can but been down here in Texas 18 years and haven't found a reason to leave yet so been fortunate to be your partner in our in our larger group practice for many years now and and enjoying working with you in a lot of different different different ways we have so far so absolutely so Rachel we went on mojo earlier for little bit we covered a lot of ground in just a very short period of time but I think one of the cool things is that you just recently gave a lecture at the millionaire mastermind club correct mastermind million-dollar mastermind tells about that and why were you chosen to do this that's a huge honor by writing something down at the heart grow closer and basically he brought on different influential people Oliver United States entrepreneurs have created their own business and any talking about sale of business strategies that they brought me on as a nutritionist very different type of form that my business name brand and being able to share my story nutrition is very important as we now for overall health think about it from a business standpoint I can again have your point is why nutrition is essential to building a business from an entrepreneur print right why how did you become so passionate about this and getting the word out about nutrition now nutrition is something that always been important to me and I suffered from mental illness speaking or lapping in very unhealthy environments my mom was very absent for most my child had an very unhealthy growing up they prompted me to want to get into nutrition and extending into Shanghai Weightlifting along the lines on background that growing up base nutrition and always doing the right thing for family and along with my right to allot and different health issues related to later on sale I really have to make a lot of different changes in my diet to really think out but worked slowly back up and do you think that your you said you were not making healthy choices because you were trying to become stage ready you are starting to get a whole fitness modeling tell me about the add big mythic between felid and health that we live in a world where everything is the last thing on building muscle and makes me look healthy from outside you can lose weight eating teepees the defendant don't print any packet to be healthy now and I think a lot of them might have me think carbohydrate is carbohydrate and fat really is not the case any nutrition Avenue the carbohydrate is a need to stand on bath a big misconception concurrent with my American Standard something one of the cool things is that you become very best about it I think his attrition is turning into a business as awesome as gastroenterologist J I did not get that much training nutrition during my fellowship did you well it's a great point you bring up Canon and listening to Rachel talk kind of got those wheels turning in my brain and to echoed the point you just made it's important we get no training in that regard I mean that traditional pathways all based on pharmacology and medications and treatments and interventions and procedures that we do but these kinda more basic fundamental building blocks mean it's cliché but you are what you eat breakfast by cringing when she hears me say that but I think it it it really resonates and rings true in the current era it's been it's not something that we patient always talk to us about it but is something we have to defer to someone like Rachel who is an expert because we don't have that training unfortunately you know it's not something that you and I talked about were when I sit there and I actually tell my patients point blank some of the best knowledgeable people are fitness people bodybuilders an extreme sports like triathletes because they have to take it to the level where they are so dialed in and I learned a lot I learned a lot from my other colleagues have done that there are people out there I got a chiropractor friend of mine that we brought up before his name is Dr. Ron try to bend us in the Plano area delete triathlete is the first guy that's talking about nutrition and whole foods and things like that and so what you did is you jumped into this started getting into the body changing type of mind came from a background of it sound like a very difficult childhood and you want to control your life and then you did something and you paid a bit of a price that we deal with patients all the time the commensal tongue what happened after that cell I Carolina stress dietary strength physical strength training very hard on a lot of mental stress this volunteer instructor is one mean initiators and Ellen and over the course of training really hard and really trying to down I did not hear gastrointestinal issues in the process where basically I remember I couldn't eat anything anymore without being severely distended a lot of chronic bloating brain side and I mean I was miserable and even now from the outside and looked healthy I like definitely not healthy Ceylon really prompted my change in nutrition and going more into that function functional medicine and nutrition that is what is the most common patient the senior officer I mean you can as you know we see the full variety of digestive and liver issues but I would say is not a day that goes by that a patient doesn't come in with some of the issues that that that that Rachel is described that we don't have a blood test for necessarily that we don't have a an x-ray to do that we don't have a procedure that we can do to assess but it's it's all part of being thoughtful careful listening taking a good history as we call it and and part of that now as as Rachel brought to light is understanding what our patients are eating with the putting in their bodies that can help contribute to the symptoms this is a new developing burgeoning area of inquiry research and in clinical endeavor into exciting meeting to see what's coming out this I think it's kind of a it's funny because even somebody like myself who considers myself more functional casserole just I do podcasts all outgoing people shows and I'm unfortunately I want to try everything to see if there's something that's there so that I can offer to my patients so I will try reading first and then do it and we have a mutual friend Kevin Wilson who is actually my primary care Dr. and I had to laugh because I got blood work done and he called me up and is like to what is going on like everything I'm doing everything is accordingly much this supplement the summer I can try to figure out where I overshot it and my bloodwork got really screwed up liver test one my cholesterol got all messed up I went okay can't do everything all at once and what I did the real big mistake that I did as I played partial Kito I did dirty Q Roseland Chito you know what I want to sort of cheated what I wanted not the exact worst thing that you could do so even when you're living it you don't realize that you're doing some of these things so like you're living in your eating bad so how did you end up correcting all of that well I went from a lot of different doctors to doctor that blew my mind right now I ever talked about he never went back to when I was putting into my body endoscopy colonoscopy CT scan and MRI and everything analysis got stopped at the label of irritable bowel thing on which to diagnosis at all like a stinking nice next contend that any biofuel into depression throughout this process depressed and I was offered laxity is not offering that many if I think I mean how getting diagnostic at one point I had misdiagnoses and always miss is getting medication and medication anyone really went on to write that will cause what is causing this in the first place I went to see you and I think you are one of the first doctors actually saw something that a lot of doctors hypermobility going on here can't cannot let one and she is going to the Mayo Clinic and found that actually had a genetic defect. Thanks Thomas Ingram is about to sail could have been added by weightlifting and again it still came back to and once I really looked at my limiting a lot of different taste in that standard American diet really started to make progress in fevers don't think you really feel better overall J you and I've had discussions about this your thought leader in the industry I'm in your recognize on a national stage and both of us wish we weren't so busy I mean if you were were really too busy and there's something going on here where people are getting sicker it really is an epidemic I mean I think you know we see these folks every day and and again where we continue to struggle with a lack of I guess where all creatures of habit we want to be able to offer the test want to be able to offer the treatment we want to be able to offer a cure that these are complex issues and in the very individualized I think the one thing that both of us have realized over time is one of a person one patient is any different from another patient and and it's not some boilerplate it's not in a page 32 the textbook it's can be very individual approach patient by patient but you're right I mean these patients are filling our offices were happy to help him but we have many more resources and we mean we need needs things up and go back to be able to offer patients think that every time the I did a patient where I struggle we figure something out I become better I learn and I know I've met all of your partners I got my partners and just about everybody I know in our group digestive health Associates of Texas D hat is a very conscientious group this is a smart group like I think we've collected some of the best gastroenterologists in the country in one area and everybody wants people to get better so unfortunately when a patient comes in and we don't you do: EGD when you start thinking outside the box when you start thinking about the functional aspect of it so when you said you are functional nutritionist can you expand on that little bit of function on looking hot now find people going into the doctor and I think I have Andy throw the mind filling in anything really interesting because not just interesting testing that will cause would be there diet their lifestyle that I can exercise and really trying to deal with my nutrition practice I'm looking at real cot why do we have this problem in the first place inlet committee to restore function and it comes back to the lifestyle I die like an exercise in meaning initiators as chronic in today's world I think when I talk to people one of the things I discuss his death rolled as I believe there's three pillars of health one of them is gut health absolutely all hope begins and ends in the gut to use the we are chronically fatigued society and three rain you know I discussed on that article the beginning there about these different final cannabinoids and help the brain help me when you address a patient that has something like this and what is your what is your methodology to try to figure out how you can help this person and I think you're the approach you outlined these three pillars is is is key I think this this concept of sleep hygiene is something that's been under recognized and underappreciated for a long period of time and these are not mutually exclusive pillars right any date they feed into one another that the lack of sleep increases cortisol levels you eat as a result you feed the beast when those cortisol levels are up such a self fulfilling prophecy so I think the those three really do feedback on one another not be too exclusive in any way but I agreement I think again it goes back to this individual approach the patient in and try to understand exactly what that root causes as rituals ELOQUENTLY put on to help that patient yeah I think it's so cool that you chose functional medicine is really cool is that you chose a very Hartfield to maintain as somebody who's always worked out and I'm digging on pushing 50 now and I am trying to work out harder to do it all this other stuff tell me about the lifestyle of somebody that actually gets ready to go on stage well completely different in mind the least of my problems for me in the work that is kind engraved in my routine now I love working out nutrition and I love you now feeling my body appropriately and that the whole mindset of having to get up on stage in preparation in the training of food and take a bath link takes it to a whole never not a level running out for general person if he could just focus on healthy foods and eliminating process and artificial fluid that can really make a huge deal in their health that for someone who is a an Olympic athlete or something like a bodybuilder are trying to get to a certain level things have to be a little bit more now than when it comes to their carbohydrates and fat and protein intake and definitely takes a lot more concentration in a lot more work to really fascinating because I just got in the mail about Glenn Greenfield second revision of his beyond training have you usually with Ruben Greenfield is yet so bad I did his part just been is a former bodybuilder than triathlete and then now he's just a big proponent of his brand is your wrinkled tile KIO and supercool guy but in his book his intro the first chapter is the description of a 50-year-old guy whose tried to maintain his try to be a triathlete and in the process became skinny fat increased distress started having injuries and also the stuff and it just shows that in this desire to maintain health sometimes we miss the big picture they can can hear me oh yeah hey it's Eric I'm all I got here in the garage I was really lonely I run out of did it really wasn't a problem not of had to go outside so you help them Parks and Kari took a wonder I kept trying to I know it's a mystery just to add about talking on then Ben is actually going to come up to demonstrate his audience he actually saw Ben and his helper Angel Keeley's going to come to North Texas so that we can do a colonoscopy on someone who has gone through the quota quotes getting fat and that being basically he him working in nutrition just like Rachel does and then of course Dr. J Perry working in gastroenterology I think that something is really cool by the two people sitting across the table from you is that these are collaborators and they collaborate and they want to do something for their audiences much like what Ben wants to do so why don't we can talk a little bit about what it is that we want to do for the people and then we can really cannot get into that for the next whole hour the absolutely so one of things we talk about here we've got a brilliant guest urologist and a brilliant nutritionist Dr. Jaeger Perry spent a lot of his free time advocating for patients on a political level is a political science degree from Penn University what you choose that by the way science yeah well in a previous life I thought I was good to be a lawyer and and even become a lobbyist spent some time working on Capitol Hill between and after college and I realize overtime that wasn't for me but what I liked about twice I was it it's a field that makes you have to take a lot of information understand it digested no pun intended and and then be able to make arguments from it and it's very much like medicine you got it learn a lot be able to process it be able to assimilate it in bring it back out and order entered into care patients I mean I've from my standpoint's admittedly when you start medicine you work really hard to get them and then you become very selfish as you try to start your practice or try to feed your family good becomes you know this is my this is my dig so I've always watched you from the very beginning always be involved on the political stage always trying spread the message always trying to you been running the ACG practice management thing that I've been part of a couple times the project management group so what what we need is people with a voice that have a stage the to do something like this and then Rachel you got the functional nutrition background so one of the reasons our big offer is that we as a group digestive health Associates realized that our community in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex could use a little assistance could use some knowledge could possibly use some of that it help just in case you're not eating perfect not able to go to whole foods and get the the wild salmon to get your omega-3 used to protect your brain to know all these other things and that's were to get into in the next half hour I don't want to spoil that too much I think it's a really cool thing Eric you want to comment on that no I do think it's a really cool thing there's a lot of challenges that people endure whenever they are going to select supplements and just doing anesthesia both with Dr. Perry Amber Dr. Brown I have personally seen people come through and they'll have a litany of things and then as both of y'all have seen those people leave the clinic whenever y'all done the examination will save habits that they have just isn't going to work for them or I don't know that I can trust the brands if you're spending all this money on so when I saw the two of y'all and the rest of the D had a group begin to work together to say we're going to tackle this issue where we can actually leave the walls of the clinic use some help from a nutritionist just like Rachel and began to find the correct type of supplements that would benefit people and lastly save money it takes the guesswork out of trying to be a good patient and trying to find health something it's really pretty awesome I think one of the cool things is that you're able to follow your patient home we can give some information if somebody follows you an answer which by the way how did you get 260,000 Instagram follows pretty happy what we up to Eric eight or something like that just got number nine Monica Crowley had no idea they were actually growling to be something that made I started it when I got an outstanding tensioning Titanic started posting track and recipes and think that I find to be motivational for myself in a way to hold myself accountable and I really wanted always to help you but I found his passion from the beginning fell over mechanically derailed and banned from each success has nothing to deal about it on fire as I have or about how much money a status value I can bring to others and how many lives that I contact change that's really been important for me having as my foundation I think has allowed me to really grow my following and really create that trust now so I think very much like taking an oath that were going to treat people well you know social media is got to the point where now you're held to a certain obligation. You also have a responsibility to do things correctly people look up and down a lot of information even on social media for example there was the cochair recently in the Dallas-Fort Worth area has led getting out different diet plans and putting herself as a coach and scamming people out of money set itself up to the consumer to do their research and are looking for coaches online and looking to people for advice on sale social media have a huge influence in people do not have to honor that I think you and I were talking about the Netflix special fire were I believe that they are trying to prosecute some of the influencers you write there later using their using their influence for four not good and I think the D had obviously is taking the can the complete opposite approaches they want to guide people that are already turning to them for advice and visa returning patient so obviously you want to be satisfied so I think that your online reputation speaks for itself you have an incredible social media presence on online reputation patients are saying go see Dr. your per it's the same thing you're getting as physicians you are being spoken about in patients trust you and there to tell their mother's sister friend husband wife to go see you and you and obligation to do that also to know sometimes get tough cases well and it's this notes the community right so you is you and Rachel both touched on it's this idea that were being held accountable there's a lot of ways in which were held accountable but I think is that we started to realize you are pioneering the scan but this idea that our patients are starting to look online and an understanding that the doctors that they're seeing the professionals at their seen counselors there seem this is not well understood or well fleshed out sick seven years ago but clearly over the last five years as its gain momentum when we realize this is how our patients are finding us now and it's it's in a word of it's the 21st century word-of-mouth if you will and and and you know I think unfortunately there still a lot of fraud out there but what what hopefully social media online reputation patients being proactive in reviewing doctors and in other providers is the idea that they're going to help people find the right provider for them that's going to help get them where they need to get total in I think that you probably if you put yourself out there so what I do admire about you Rachel is that number one to get up on stage with a little close which is able to do I would have to if I did some sort of stage competition it would be like jumpsuit things are this is why got a bikini And starting again it's a bit better for everybody well you know what I mean I was following you for a long time on Instagram in your bikini competition I been the last follower I have another as long as I could and I appreciate I'm looking right now where is there were some convocations they asked that it was taken down to I think that's one of the requirements of bikini modeling is landscaping and I will leave it at that have nothing to add to that no but I think that's so one of the things that Jay and I have to deal with which sometimes is a very good thing is the negative review and I sometimes it's valid sometimes not very often it'll tell me that if they warned me of something tried to call couldn't get through it's things were always working on in the business aspect that's one person there's probably 20 people and we really do acknowledge that and the person helps me out with that to-Keith Kaiser who a look at these and says okay you're seeing a trend here we need to sit down with the office manager and possibly talk that may be XYZ is broken so we I use these reviews as a way to grow as well not just say okay yeah this is kind of doing well do you ever get any negative things on your Instagram with 259,000 people out there to over 250,000 people and you're gonna get people always have something to say and think it's taking anything else on and course I like to listing any type of feedback that I can take in and prove myself and they also just cannot stay out of that negativity and just focusing on the people who I can actually benefit any and most important to me okay so one of the things review of weird people with income embouchure but my kids don't have phones and I'm 14-year-old a 12-year-old and the reason is because I discovered a YouTube video early on which discussed how there the equivalent of getting lights is a little dopamine release very similar to other things that you can become addicted to and ultimately when you are depleted in dopamine dear Sir or basically when you release dopamine your serotonin goes down so your happiness is serotonin your pleasures dopamine and the phones really can do that because it consumes you and so I let my children decide right now they have chosen to say you know what were just going to cut up avoided that right now which I'm happy about it's I don't know how much longer I can do they all can I hate to cut you off only got about one minute left before have to take our four minute break and I do want to let everyone know that Rachel Scheer and Dr. J Perry will be joining us and then for the next hour but before anybody has to they have to check out and they want to learn more kindling hold that that box of just so people can get a preview organ we talk about the next hour that is the D hatbox and if you want information without any cost to you to be sent to you as soon as it's available go to D hat it's DH ATB OS and then you will be some of the first in the country to be given the opportunity to check out anything more avidly likely to quit so this is we just got to know you guys over this first half-hour now going to get into some super fun stuff like ridges own love this product Jason to get into that about the signs of that were to talk about the box and about different supplements that Rachel likes to use to look this great instantiate so combat for the next half hour or to get into the science part of the refund this is the only 24 hour take anywhere platforms dedicated to food and fun clear spoony is this our, as word Atty. Gen. bar a no-show this morning before the House Judiciary Committee wanted to ask more questions about the molar report are skipping the hearing in a dispute with Democrats over plans to allow committee lawyers to take part of the questioning Georgia Republican Doug Collins reason Belmar is not here today is because the Democrats decided that in morning here today we didn't choose not that Mr. Barcomb he chose Chairman Jerry Nadler we will we cannot permit him anybody ministration to dictate the manner in which we function Nadler adjourning the hearing following the committee will get the answers it needs to conduct oversight capital Hill correspondent Molly Hines German that were threatening to hold borrower in contempt of Congress yesterday the Atty. Gen. spent six hours before the Senate Judiciary Committee one senator raising some serious last test about the origins of the Russia collusion investigator Lindsey Graham says one thing's for sure about the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server we know that the person in charge of investigating hated traps guys grandma says a blanket over that hatred led to Hillary Clinton being exonerated despite the evidence and that counterintelligence investigation the trap campaigns worn it featured a heading that investigation bowing and text messages to stop trauma from being elected by new report Sen. Michael Bennet of Colorado the latest Democrat to announce he's running for president strategy and plan to announce sooner but pause after being diagnosed with prostate cancer I was cleared with a clean bill of health that gave me a chance to think about whether I really wanted to run or not better tell CBS's morning he decided he does want to Bonnie seeking the party's presidential nomination for 2020 Wall Street the Dow up 15 points the S&P better by five and the NASDAQ composite index 26 points higher more of these now you can fly anywhere in the world and paid discount prices on your airline tickets flight today to learn this harassment to read or anywhere else you want to go and pay a lot less guarantee quality international travel department right now low-cost airlines 800-452-1075 800-452-1075 that's 800-452-1075 Dr. Kim Brown here a host of ship project with my cohost Eric Rieger Eric Regency and mojo guys over there and overhears Mooney talk about 20 over bloating I've seen in my practice that I'm trying to is a whole lot more than just a floating product yes it does a whole lot more than just exploding because polyphenols that you find keen on trying to get your exactly right the polyphenols are those molecules we find in the Mediterranean diet it makes vegetables and fruit very colorful polyphenols do these polyphenols can actually stop and nation help you have more energy thinking have you antiaging and polyphenols are great athletes sounds like a hellhole more people than just loading tell me how it is taking out front if you want to go so 2002 capsules three times a day face you aren't bloated and just want to polyphenol intake everyday to three chances are they will go to love my forgotten apparel is more than just a premium women's and men's clothing line it's a movement to remind us to where American-made and serve those who serve us our heroes never forgotten apparel gives 20% of their total sales to nonprofits that support homeless veterans and off-duty firefighters and 50% to individual veterans and firefighters in need nationwide checkout never forgotten use promo code Matt and ATT and get 15% off your purchase oh Mike we are back I was having separation anxiety comes that Levi got stuck at their lady is no way you can count on without you know Senate small it was to properly throw me off I Have a look over there trapped in a glass cage of a move should I want to bring so sorry I hate the fact that now that I'm back there we got more serious that's that's the sad part and knows no laughter all all all the fun stuff is over now hate just a real quick reset we are gotcha project we are on the spinning networks course host several shows you mentioned earlier trays chow down chef Patrick who works is our producer also as a show on their but did you know Dr. J you. If you met him he is considering starting a nether health based show on screen or is that about his former career as a bikini model that's exactly what just happened you know I think that's exactly where came to a failed attempt at bikini modeling and and lack of landscaping that's where that came from I can imagine with the title going to be but as long as main scape works in there it's going to be thinking of you will be it will be a nice hit the panic up of the bills for this next to lowered be sure to check out love my as where you will find your offer just for listening to spoony and the gut check project to save money on trying to heal and what we hear Dr. J were good people go to learn a little bit more about ridge them so the ease place to go to his riches are IDU CO and it'll give you it will give folks a good overview of what Richie's own is the science behind it of which there is quite a bit and and how it works and how we like how we how we think people should use it really get the best benefit from perfect and Rachel Scheer make make no bones about it she's got what an incredible following so Rachel what is your favorite way for people to connect with you as well I can connect with me like it's pretty simple lights at Rachel RA HDL and my last name Scheer each EEI canopy where the majority of my social network is to be found my website which is again just 9% nice Rachel Rachel well let's not KISS alright so let's not lose our momentum on what were talking about because when I get here before I had the microphone working again is that we talk a lot about synergy collaboration and it always comes with the right person in mind which is to benefit the patient before you joined us earlier J I can remember that you always know your colleagues that our patient centric or patient advocates and I think that's a key reason on why you were chosen to be the CML why you've never turned away from research and why your patients I've seen firsthand don't just want to be trusting their health decisions with you they like coming to see so knowing they were putting the patient first what it rejected take what did it what it is they were doing is a collaborative to put something together like the hatbox okay so we try to get into a little bit and lost all but the reality is were doing something which is actually incredible very innovative were to be the first large single specialty group to put together health in a box we want to put health in your hands and nothing of your slogan here so the hat is arranging a program where we can put the holes were many Americans lack because of nutrition we can help them out Rachel and I were just talking about this Rachel like for instance when you see somebody what are some of the common supplements that you like to have your clients on that I think there are four essential supplement everyone should be on the first to be a high-quality monk like to say that we can get all of the nutritional needs from the food that were eating back just Arabian American band standardized and fast is not really reality standing on a high quality multivitamin to prevent any type of nutritional deficiencies on this icon would be a good probiotic game going back to got to be the foundation for how promoting a good healthy got my car bran on the third one would be a vitamin D some most the population is deficient in vitamin D and vitamin D became to get from
sale especially here in Texas and because it's hotter now that I'm very much and just in general and a lot of micronutrients testing in the majority of my clients come back with a deficiency in vitamin D then the fourth amendment be in omega-3 fish oil saddle again going back to standard American diet we get a lot more on Bacchus Texas which are pro-inflammatory and instantly need to counter act by adding in more on the three check enemy anti-inflammatory said that for that I think everyone ought to be and it's going to be a good multivitamin probiotic vitamin D and omega-3 fish oil so hearing that list Dr. Brown or Dr. Perry what were some of the pitfalls that the patient to come into both of your practices what what is it that someone comes in with a Rachel hit the nail on the head will get to it in moment but whenever she said hi quality probiotic there is tons of bacteria sources out there that some you may say is beneficial you say that you said it what you think when someone is watching some random probiotic and any notes expensive it's a great questionnaire and the issue is so can I see this every day in the office is some will come in and and it's this it's a typical scene they'll be sitting there and then on the exam table to put out the bottles of snuff caretaking and one by one the go when you think about this what you think about this what you think about this and most the time and and can may have the same shirts I have to say I don't know because these things have not been vetted wheat we don't know and I don't know enough about them to recommend one or another and I will generally say that you know in general I think this is probably safe to use I don't know of any downside but I can't 100% recommend or give a stamp of approval to something because it's not something I've vetted that I know enough about that did to him to be able to give it that enthusiastic or at least thumbs up and that's tough because again you know skin spoke to in the first half we try to establish his rapport with our patients and establish trust in and get that sense if you be a resource for them we can be experts on everything which again is why folks like Rachel are so integral and essential to this process but at the end of the day it's nice to be able to have a way to have a structured way to have a a a supplements and other and other things we can recommend to our folks and that's where I think the box comes so yeah I think that's you know there's a study that came outward look at DNA analysis and that showed almost 79% of the of what is in the bottles not on the label 79% of the products that are on big box shelf so we know that there is a lot of possibly maybe not complete a quality it's being sold out there because it's kind of unregulated and then in your industry when we look at weight loss product sexual enhancement products and I can't know what the other one is almost 40% of those categories had dangerous pharmaceuticals and so in your industry so and I had some patients that are showing up with the liver failure and when you start looking and what what what's going on here is to look at the list you like what what is that ends up being a pro hormone the problem is metabolism the liver and it's creating anyways so it's not only you may be wasting your money but there is a slight possibility that you could actually be harming your body so that's why we came together as a group to say look working to try and that these were you trying find things in a certificate of analysis third-party testing let's see what's there there is some science with that I'm trying to get our group Dr. Harry Sorrel to do this almost every show I call him out because I want to do functional research I want DRI which is digestive research Institute our research division of D hat to look at some of these things would you know really I think it's we can help people out so when somebody holds us out they could say because is no money in doing the research it's not that people don't want it it's just who to pay for that's the problem so it's a win-win for everyone right we we can enthusiastically confidently recommend supplements to our patients that we know of in fetid at that are tested that don't have these contaminants in these deeds DDD DDD contents and an obscurant can be harmful you know and be able to do that in a way that that we can within the confines that patient physician relationship absolutely so you know we live in the space discovered this after we developed upfront to one of the things we do have a something will NSF certified which is certified for sport usually without Rachel. So can you explain to everybody what this is yeah to be certified by that I mean yeah so basically what it does is so many Olympic athletes college athletes Pro UFC fighters and things they they will have random things pop up on the drug test we paid a lot of money to make sure that what is on our label we bid 1/3 party company to prove that what we have in the capsules is the same thing that's on the label doesn't add as no doubt so NSF certification and certified for sport is specific in terms of the CBA that they have both with all dietitians and nutritionists with MLB NFL most NCAA functions etc. they have to have that mark on their of its OTC and it's a supplement and what it says is that company paid not just for their brand but every single lot that's produced is scanned is said put through gas chromatography and spectroscopy and they make certain there are no contaminants in there they can harm the athlete or make them show up positive for something they should be taking in addition to every claim it's on all the literature as to be vetted and proven for them to do so so all your clinical trials are to do that to be to be a part of that that same approach is what D had is doing for everything else that's in there which I think is awesome because you said you said it yourself a high quality omega-3 that sounds great but how I know who's making what and what happens to be all about you you said that there were 70 whatever percentage it is that showed up with trace pharmaceuticals and so yes a 40% short of their recent article just cannot earn it showed they looked at a bunch of different melatonin so we we subscribe to several different third-party sites that look at this and they had melatonin where it ranged from 10% of what was on the on the milligrams dosage to like 400% now some of this is not the fault of the company because as we have found out that when we get raw product shipped retest top middle and bottom because unfortunately when people are ordering raw product from other countries to save money they will fill with filler and then put only the top portion of it with the product and the company pays for that so what happened in that one study were 79% of the companies they were trying to do the right thing there assume it and you literally have to do that because if you're ordering raw products from other countries sometimes these big that's come in and you it's just not exactly the same same quality I think the key here for the listeners is to make sure that when they're going to take a supplement really drill down on is has this been approved by third party by approve is a bit of that can be if it can be tough or do you sometimes verification process to verify what's in there is what the claim is this in there that there's not a containment server table with Richardson we are; new dietary ingredient designation from the Afghans as many listeners may be aware supplements are not FDA certified there's no certification process but what the FDA can do is say this is safe we regarded as safe so one of the things were most proud about with Richard Stanley brought to market we spent a lot of time and effort resources to get that NDI designation from the FDA says this is safe FDA synthesis is that with the FDA knowledge stamp is that correct exactly what the acknowledgment so and get a language issue you want to be very careful but that acknowledgment means the FDA said as acknowledge this is a safe is a safe product and riches is really one of the few products I know that even carries that that seal of approval from the FDA which is a huge endorsement yet we were actually really looking into that were like men with what is that you start looking into it and there's so much confusion with us so let's talk about our colleagues that are well a lot of doctors don't really understand this industry and so when we start talking about this so when a nutritionist or talk about diet starts on what supplements sometimes a lot of Dr. stick your head in the sand and just say well I I haven't seen literature on the witnesses drug rep hasn't brought it in numbers brought lunch to me so what this box is to represent is it's the D hat health box it's not just trying to make sure that you can have a few of these key things which I will ask you one question I would ask Jay this also when I went to medical school you could not be vitamin D deficient if you live south of Nebraska and now everyone's vitamin D deficient what's going on with this we know it's I think it's interesting can it went when when rituals talk about vitamin D being one of the essential supplement she recommends her clients you remember when we started some bloodwork coming from referring doctors primary care doctor sending us patients and ICDs vitamin D test like what unit we train about vitamin D deficiency this is not some there was in our math and now it's endemic to me it's it's an epidemic and and as Rachel touched on a few minutes ago I think it was underrecognized and undertreated and in and so I think there now that awareness that knowledge is taken over but you're right I need that season coming Thursdays going back to your your point earlier the way were trained we don't have a framework to understand things that are outside the paradigm and I will ask you what I give Ken a lot of credit for his he's you are pioneer in allotting up saying that there is a mechanism in a way to do this and with structured recognized sonically valid safe and an end to that we can we can be trust our patient can trust as we recommend the stuff that's new that's different we haven't had that we come to what we came to training that wasn't there for things we have the boxer things I resent things like that absolutely same thing when in the world of nutrition for you I mean there's lots of people out there who say that I'm a nutritionist and then they'll still get about knee-deep they get some followers of the get some clients that's kind of where it started but that's not how you approached really anything like that I think in time if you can lose weight make your health expert and fail on nutrition goes back to more than just the baby buggy because back to how we feel it goes back to everything that you're putting into my body and how thinking more than just taking our vitamins are taking a supplement fan working on exercising even mine fattening the whole picture and that's really what going back to that function on salads looking at the lifestyle approach we I tell my patients that people come in and they will talk about the different prescription drugs that are there and they talk about adding no this lifespan years when we start giving people drugs in this drug plus this drug was destroyed in a word improving the lifespan I tell my patients how is your health span I will make sure that you are healthy at the age that you want to be we need to improve health span not lifespan and I think we do that through proper lifestyle functional ways everyone can wanting that quick fix to go to the doctor they just want to be handed email medication for that class drawn effects and expect next holiday season should lower their cholesterol and I can be there only see if they're out of shape and overweight have a whole list of issues is about selling out interesting one thing with medication paint and Band-Aid over to anybody want to get back to my real concept we can really get Optima unfortunately have heard best from loving Jane the CEO of VAIO bio that we met him at a conference with client and so revealed some mutual friends and he was giving a lecture and he said unfortunately we have created an entity the praise on itself needs disease to keep going we have hospitals that run we got pharmaceutical industries we got this and it is almost a self-perpetuating issue where it said the healthcare industry needs disease to keep going at least in the West will look at how reimbursement works and how that kinda dictates who gets a priority in the OR I mean it was what 15 years ago cardiac procedures in the Cath Lab were chock full and they were people I had that third-party investments specifically and in that specialty and now the reimbursements been trimmed down and it's falling to other places whether it happens to be you can get a hiatal hernia repair while you end up getting a gastric sleeve and that's where the money is now so that kinda ends up dictating the the ideas in terms of who's going to be treated and in bulk and in Madison this approach is far different what you said about J what you said about 10 is spot on but you're no stranger that yourself is how you ended up being the senior CMO ridges on theirs is a reason why an altruistic dock ended up being a CMO of a company like ridges onus because you knew there is a better answer then just relying on pharmaceuticals rigid zone is is it's made from a natural ingredient you this is a great topic and could be a show or shows on itself about how American medicine is really good it the heroic interventions stopping the heart attack saving the heart stopping the bleeding ulcer were really good at that stuff were not good I will become middle-of-the-road at at least by all the a lot of the conventional metrics is prevention keeping us from getting to that point in the first place so you know whether it's a simple intervention or I should say simple were there to a more fundamental intervention when Rachel sits down with the client says let's start to get some these things in order from basic what you put in your body fitness etc. to something like rigid zone which is at helping curb your appetite in a safe non-stimulant something that we produce our own bodies method to prevent those downstream sequelae of obesity diabetes crevasse or disease etc. etc. I'm yeah I mean I think it's a much more rewarding we we trained Ken and I trained were weak we were good at those heroic thing we can do those but what we didn't train with her what income naturally and was a challenge to me and, what got me excited was that ability to sake let's take that excretion go from a different side now see we can help folks in a different way I just thought of something hear me out coming up next half hour we got Dr. Jacob Purdy hosting the Monday intervention that no more heroic interventions follow Dr. J very well he explains Monday ways to improve your health check your Medscape at the door with no social media like that what what did you feel like it was like to step outside the road the comfort zone of the norm to because that's no easy task what's a challenge right and again you have the naysayers conventional we call allopathic Western medicine that say there's not there's not a research study that looks at the stars in the literature based on this there's not multiple randomized controlled trials double-blind placebo-controlled trials at St. this is better X is better than why that's the challenge right to me it's it's to reconcile what you want to do that's right for the patient client whomever with with with with science and and and science it may not be as well vetted or understood yet but that we want to get there I want to comment on that really quick because we had to guess on that that basically are hindered by the fact that the science is not in what they call more reparable journals so James Carroll that has the bifocal modulation shocked while he was on the show I found tons on pub med and asked how is this not more used is like because people quote of the journals aren't really that now Dr. Wade McKenna same thing on stem cells what in the world now we do this without trying to deal with the randomized placebo-controlled trial we've got one word's failure therein what we would call whatever what you and I would call lesser tier journals but the reality is I've talked to a lot of feng shui gastroenterologists have done some incredible work in Louisville Kentucky or my fellow Dryden children Gerald Wright, faculty of mine was not all that done until that happens I love that guy always and he he actually studied ECG see Green Tree green tea extract and also the colitis had brilliant results and he got really good and is a PhD and a full bird colonel and like the guys academic and get relegated to a poster presentation and couldn't even get published when one talk about it read like there is a certain bias towards big Pharma getting published there so keep in mind that just because there's not literature that is being handed to you by drug rep does not mean that there is not literature out there when we have our graduate student finding literature about the way we found tens of thousands of articles to dispute different arguments that we've had like yesterday's argument so it's very interesting because doctors will say that don't go oh I need more literature so without trying to I would sit there look at people do what you need home and what's your number no it's it's the industry that we have created unfortunately I want to change what the industry did you hit the nail on the head it's it's industries has the editor of the premier journal and to suffer from prophecy he satisfies check certain boxes off because and and and and and it's things are to be recognized and things are to be what what what that what his cohort thinks is acceptable that is initially make mean that something from a journal that's not as will recognize me just less valid it's just that because he didn't check those boxes often our colleagues make make make organ so want that I can do that I can recommend you be so cool to change the healthcare landscape in an environment I want to see DFW change so that we help people sleep we help people with their diet we help them with their supplements and that's data that we can use overlook the DFW Metroplex started out with the D had health box to give them information to give them encouragement to give them exercise advice 30 get that delivered to the house when I had I we only have about 30 seconds until we have our last break but we can talk in the next half-hour little bit about even though it's in our backyard this is the large zone at DFW but if you happen to be watching anywhere else anybody in the US can go to de to get all the information to move forward in the next half hour without re-visit Rachel's list on things it would be in this box if you were to be a recipient of it what you can do to grow your box to develop your your value within that box save money everything else on top of signs ridges on also do all that stuff when I exit my time I feel a bit use the expenses blue yellow pills to charge your sex life are you thinking about what we can promise you the same results for the three if you are paying $20 a pill for the underpants you're getting taken to the cleaners same results for less than three dollars more than $16 Intel for the same results right now we will get 44 blue or yellow pills 23 discrete shipping you can save more than $100 on pharmacy prices right now your 44 pounds over $700 and qualify for free shipping over pain and, right now 800-2186 473-800-2186 473-800-1864 73 800-218-6473 Dr. Kim Brown here a host of project with my cohost Eric Rieger I've seen in my practice that upfront is a whole lot more than just the bloating product yes it is a whole lot more than just exploding because of the polyphenols that you find in Alicante what are some of the things these polyphenols do these polyphenols can help you have more energy and polyphenols are great sounds like good health: more people than just loading go to love my the pain out of ordering your diabetic testing supplies with diet thrive diatribe ships the testing supplies you need directly to you when you need them best of all with plans starting as low as eight dollars a month diatribe is probably going to cost you less than what you're paying today diatribe is so convinced that you love their service they're offering your first month of supplies three simply type the Kodak DOC and checkout dial that's DIA looking back it is going to be the last half-hour of today's episode nine gets a project that every time we come back I'm like what the heck what the hell happened before how this goes so fast I know you also think it is that we this is almost every single show at this point I come in late and R2 just came in late because of potty break I put set supportive bodies or something it is an exciting ride outside your all we have in the diapers next week next week we can take a camera outside and you'll see that just be on the storage is Rotary's dullness and insane paper for life anyway this is also I just got message I want to know more about ridges on let's executor that is a way to teach something Dr. J went out to great segue so read you soon RIG UCO NE is its sole ingredient is something called now I'll say it once and all abbreviated only oral ethanol might go I can sort out that where were you earlier when I was trying to say that you should've there will be a test at the end say it 10 times really fast with the 20s are only a is is what the conventional abbreviation is only allowed to know myself OEA is actually a in the contaminant as I'm sure you've discussed or been or or or discussed on the show before and in Kenya and in other in other in other forms that's actually made in the human small intestine in the human gut and its role is to actually bind to a receptor in the lining of the gut that has some downstream effects biochemically the two basic ones are one to send a signal to the satiety center of the brain to say on full and the other is a whole host of downstream biochemical processes that have to do with lipolysis or breakdown of fat uses use of fat as a as a substrate for energy and then also have effects on regulation of blood sugar so insulin and glucagon levels that regulate blood sugar that the receptor or that this idea of a lock and key were the receptors the law can liaise the key this is kind of a basic foundation for how things are bodywork right so in this scenario the receptor for which OEA is a cynical people are also which is Ken knows is a is a as a target for NSA organizes a target for a lot of pharmaceutical agents out there effort between management of the diabetes which interesting as those pharmaceutical agents don't have the effects that rigid zone has in terms of make you feel full and and also the beneficial effects on Fatma tablet increase metabolism and an increasing fat breakdown and favorable cholesterol profiles so how the the appetite suppressing property works is via the vagus nerve a signal directly to the satiety center in the brain that says I feel full and it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier it doesn't stimulate the hearts of the most important thing here with a lot of prescription weight loss agent and rate structure similar what this is all those horrible stories we've heard about in Canon I've seen these folks or they might have been a fatal heart rhythm animality from some of the that from some the prescription agents or the stuff crosses the blood brain barrier said interacts with other medications at the spokes maybe and we don't have any of those problems with Richardson it it's not an issue with that's kind of the 30,000 foot view limits really stressed about satiety thing does it affect leptin are growing at all those grayling being the one that makes you hungry left and make you fearful when he does those mechanisms are not as well elucidated or understood there there are over 250 peer-reviewed journal articles talk about journal peer-reviewed journals all and in many top-tier journals looking at reducing the OEA's safety and efficacy across the spectrum of animal and in some human models as well so but yet there there's deftly those mechanisms are involved at but not as well blessed well fleshed out yet so material for something the Mediterranean diet seems to do a lot of these things anything the Mediterranean diet that could well be tied to ridges and that is a great point so where only eight so what we have is a is awaited to extract OEA from olive oil only on phenol miter OEA is a fatty acid metabolite so it's a derivative of fatty acids of a fatty acid and it's actually found in olive oil that the problem is to get the amount of OVA in one bottle version you have to drink like 12 leaders of olive oil which I'm not sure that goes over to as Rachel to guzzle you not to say that probably not baptize just like mommies do a lot of exactly so we have a method to extract OEA from although this method was actually devised you should carefully Irvine a little over reckless to 15 years ago and and and being in a product to market so I know that you're the chief medical officer but you're also involved in the business with now I involved with the business of this and I'm essentially the chief medical officer also we the people that run the company and they do a great job of that but so it was the technology to get it was 15 years do you know the history of the company to get where they're at right now yes opening back up a little bit talk about the technology so the original method again was developed at UC Irvine and without getting too deep in the weeds about it one of the big players in pharmaceutical space about 15 years ago acquired the technology so how this works is that universities and research institutes that think they have the technology that could be of commercial viability or or a broader use the put those out there and and and investors will check these out and decide if people think they may be interested in maybe a commercial application for the stove will take down the road a big Pharma company acquired it was going to tear acquiring technologies in the cholesterol weight loss base about 15 years ago they bought it and shelved it is basically to block other people want competition they want competition and so when that company got acquired the technology reverted back to the University and said it was available for someone to pick up and that's basely how we found it okay will
it sounds very similar in terms of what's happening with a lot of natural solutions is it someone will end up buying the technology they want to sit on as it inevitably comes competition for there long projected project.they think is going to give them more margin when in truth generally nature is going to almost always be the solution is going to be better than pharmaceuticals you elicit off tons of side effects from pharmaceuticals before so essentially were just avoiding all of that Rachel's been a gigantic proponent for John Teal for quite some time you made the comparison about how many ever gallons of all the way that you that you that you had have using some of the science that we had from the polyphenol experts attend experts with all 2001 of the best examples we had for athletes was you would typically have to consume five bowls whole cherries to get one days supply polyphenols if I'm not trying to heal very similar to you to do that juries are great for you blueberries any blueberries be great for you but that's just way too much fructose probably for one day they started taking a train tell initially because that for my drawling frontloading and that I think actually did help me a lot with workout especially with postbreakup recovery healthcare outlets wanted to think that I actually has a great impact on it Elaine that Don said that delayed onset muscle so anything you can recover fast aching get back in again faster than you can ground myself is that at a much faster rate that being said just superquick iPods as I do step out I got a few messages where a few people said that the real Mafia that means you are listening long enough that you need to refresh your browser which is good news that means living things into the whole time so were still here just refresh your browser if you been with us since the beginning stage one so that's why step out of the room like oh we but were still hip were still on everywhere so your host and IT director Dr. Kenneth Brown anyway man of many hat hats will each of you don't mind you had a list and just to refresh the audience and before forget Dee had D had if you just want to sign up to simply learn more you can go there and you will be notified of all the information is it's made available I believe early next week that being said Rachel you listed off for base supplements right and I'm sorry Tamika Joffe said it was a revocable probiotic probiotic and good quality vitamin D three fish so one of the things that the president he had Jim Heckert was very excited about whatever he decided to hop on board and get out get all of the physicians aligned was that this is an opportunity to make certain they were putting the right supplements in front of people so it's talkative about how this works so somebody were to sign up for the D hatbox the way I understand it is there going to get two upscale high core products which would be are trying to heal and as you mentioned a revocable probiotic and we met Karen Krishnan the CEO and researcher for mega spore which actually delivers bacteria to where it belongs so one of the things that so the CEO of mega spores that they have the probiotic and spore form which is a higher likelihood of gender: work and then be in the right environment and flourish and so the science behind that is kinda cool to like a little next level of probiotic, things so the cool thing is not my people get recommended mega spore though directly from a physician so they partnered with D hats health box simply because of Dr. J you can you and your colleagues putting in that input that that's what belongs in a box like this and so they reduce the cost it's not it's not it's not completely inexpensive it's affordable but not inexpensive but they they want people to be able to get healthy you want people to be able to maintain their health so they they trimmed their cost the same thing without trying to the same thing with with the other supplements that the Rachel listed but that didn't really really important thing is that whether something is in the core box or not it doesn't stop there so listers you've all heard Dr. Jade reference Rich's own which zone is soon going to be a part of the marketplace this is a whole another world simply to those who join this box you have access to things that are good for your brain health that'll help you sleep talking with their brain FM about adding their products simply to this box what we want to offer is putting your health in your hands which is that right there in the front of the so this is going to continue to grow we've partnered with Stephen Ezzell of member box what you can be able to do is go to an online store now everybody it's hearing this you're getting basically the prelaunch information about this so go over there it's that box de do you have in addition to that the were going make sure that you become healthier but we get people like Rachel contributing to it giving exercise advice we've got people like Dr. J Europe hurry that's gonna review articles and write things in working offer we are actually teamed up with multiple authors you may get a book 3 in the box that comes in there so were really excited the bottom line is my ultimate goal just like your talk about is to change the landscape of health in this area I'm with two phenomenal professionals that that's your ultimate goal anyways this is a way to get it out a little bit bigger little further since were the first doing this we can go beyond DFW we can go to we want everyone sharing this so if you listen to this after sharing it again watch it later just send it to your mom send it to your sister your whoever it is say hey I think it's something that you enjoy the question in the end and it is that Dr. J said earlier it's a win win win for everyone you win because you're getting the guidance of people that you trust your positions already home so were merely arty targeting the patients they come in and out and giving in this opportunity and letting them know they if if this works for you pass it on to your family members get a huge benefit because we have a nutritionist weighing in on the way that supplements are benefiting people out via outside and beyond the clinic and what people are turning to and then they actually get to save money they get enough that they need every single month so you save money you get guidance you know that every thing in the boxes vetted you then shown endorsed products that you may or may not wish to add to your box each month all in all it takes a lot of the guesswork and saves money on your pocketbook yeah and I just got texted again by Vegas Magnus Vaughn Magnusson and he says that the my box won't fit that's a problem that we didn't do very well to let so if you're strong man we can get your own number box there is a lot of input from from the today on ESPN so I well Rachel tell me a little bit more about what it's like to collaborate with the gastroenterology group in helping them and then probably what changing that landscape is going to do for you as you try to to reach other people 92's impact is also like to talk to can't help thinking that looking back got first chair we have optimal taking extent because everything goes back to energy levels and maybe absorb nutrients and chiropractic protein and micronutrients and it can affect every body price that's that working with a stranger how I just cannot be I sent my clients because nutrition is the foundation and pay big part in going back tonight gets a happy expertise at Dr. Bronfman my gastroenterologist standpoint I'm really creates a bigger picture is it's not telephone it's not the of some of the best doctors in the country well you know that that that hit Sonoma having this is that that that what's in the box is curated and supported our company practice of 90 board certified gastroenterologist I don't know where you could go to get that kind of back in that kind of checkbox I can trust what's in there for you to get 90 doctors degree in southern well let's talk about some more doctors for second because I think whenever I travel and I told people Eric and are part of several orange manure groups it is fascinating when I go and talk to people and there like you have 90 doctors and yeah we've got in our own group we've got pancreas specials Paul turn nasty will in my pot it's going to be Ackerman Goldschmidt and they do incredible things they do stuff that you like what you guys doing this is not something you little doing surgery from the inside you do endoscopic ultrasound yourself which is a very advanced technique in the did you get extra training and matter how the yeah unfortunately to be able learn these advanced techniques we were blessed indeed he had to have several specialists trained in these and connects level techniques and procedures I say unfortunately does take an extra year to two depending on when he came out training beyond our usual training paradigm to get to learn those techniques in it such as learning how do the procedures also selecting the patient right who needs and who doesn't need him because I think that's as important as anything else making sure you do the right thing for the patient and in the right way and offering them something is best not and an end so we been very fortunate with the have to have this expertise you know air across the Metroplex and be able offer that and in different areas where that's where I where I am here in the mid cities in Northeast Tarrant to out in Plano and northern suburbs are in the heart of Dallas works out for the West Fork the reason I want to bring that up is because when you get your box we have a connect with the hat right here one of the things I really want to do is I want the does not to be the heart of every sort enough to be DFW it can be anywhere that we have these experts so we start getting a series of social media questions we can actually put something together put in the box are these of the most common questions regarding who was the right person that to undergo this for instance Rachel we're talking on the other show over there something that really shocked me tell me about the macros meeting how do you divide up your calories to stay so fit Bob actually archive staff encrypting file to be dependent in different for each person on there are fundamentals of any consultation by naming we all need to be eating hopefully down on email getting a lot of different nutritional intake spent on actual macro nutrients depend on each person For example you went pick someone here is 55 years old trying to lose 40 pounds of fat on a high carbohydrate diet versus someone who is maybe an Olympic 25 years old and I tried many documents all day thinking very different macronutrient intake by they might require a much higher carbohydrate intake center micronutrient and it found Stella how much carbs fats and protein you need overall calorie intake is very much depend on an individual basis that there are the fundamentals that do apply all across the board which goes back to the sources of RFID that were eating and basically getting back to those whole foods are set how would you divide up the macros they want your clients was a former bikini model now turn to answer all just the does endoscopic ultrasound now what demographic change audience form and became a center I practice and I Gail you back for that is incredible visually as a Jody has an algorithm radio and Sybase protein intake thoughts on muscle mass and that person failed on your protein intake it can be different for each present immediate different from expecting meaning it can be based on the Internet individual on how much protein A need to separate the skeletal muscle mass the protein is very speech eating tear and help maintain a skeletal muscle mass counsel helps build it like people were working out and began born on base their carbohydrate intake basically half an activity that looks like people going back to that Olympic think there's any need a much higher carbohydrate intake than that found the enemy maybe working adults are more sedentary basing that carbohydrate intake based off of activity levels and their meter coming from fat sources then it's just not all fats or counties are created equal so getting those healthy fat sources coming from the condos on wild caught fishnets and feeds olive oil so those are going to be very healthy fats that are to be beneficial in helping remove production that can help us again feel fully we need to introduce you to our friend Gabriel Lyons she is a physician in New York and actually Manhattan and her whole process she is but I think she's a former former fitness confederal I think that is correct the focus is on muscle centric medicine where she believes that we can maintain muscle mass you improve insulin sensitivity will decrease your fat and so it's all about trying to maintain that as we age in trying to do that because it's one of the things that happens is that we tend to lose muscle as we age and then all the other issue start happening so they're approaching her practice error is now is based around antiaging and using natural means to a college that I believe if I it's been a turn which is usually she must be traveling to me they were going to kiss usually messages us and S gets involved because we can end up having to run the show to supersmart somebody that's credit very similar path like it very similar you had kind of some gut issues and stuff and overcame him and became a fitness competitor so yeah this is super exciting the box de the love my tummy/spoony put in the code did enormous box about her until a discount if you pay for the shipping so one of the things I would do here is we have come up with a name for the J show okay so what would be I will encourage everyone to we all do we include landscaping and that in that name I think it's considering your pedigree and where you come from it may diminish your brand just a little to put out there early to start the conversation you are you are a Louisville Cardinal basketball fan correct very much so so did and what was the other gentleman's name who who had the broken bone in the cabin where Kevin Ware had aware absolute in her last national championship which is taken away from us by the NCAA biggest scandal but that's okay okay but now looking at the FBI investigation now name a name a college team it's not it's probably not it least involved in something to get to that point because they get Kansas in North Carolina and what they're doing is her choosing yeah yeah Dave Dave picked the ones I think that they can make the best example of and the ones they want to protect their to protect them that's that's the lifeblood of it that's that's who they want to protect into somebody else comes skate and through they don't really like that or they're going to make the example out of them if they can get any dirt out of the doing of them mention familiar with this wet and and Jake probably even at pontificate just as much talking on this whole thing a menu so you got to Kansas and bleeding in Kentucky regularly you and Eric need to have a basketball shows what comes the sports talk radio tied in with nutritional food nutrition I think we can also noted by installing the source outfits were basically caught on phone and recorded that they were basically paying players under the table for them to attend certain universities they would be committed somewhere else in energy influenced by the AAU circuit or something else like that to get endorsements simply so they would choose a different school ending in 1/3 party and sometimes even 1/4 party way the school would benefit or another coach to be paid for it so that it looked like it wasn't happening between people have loose lips loose lips sink ships the funny thing I like about that though it's really no different than what were talking about perception of understanding reputable sources: quote sources for journalists are journalistic integrity and's and clinical studies who you want to believe in who you don't and it's either the established blueblood or where the money is and you can take that same parallel to the FDA and the blueblood is a pharmaceutical industry and the the offshoot winning national championship titles like Louisville or almost getting there like Texas Tech that's not necessarily who they want to win so they could find something wrong that's who they're going to sleep the legs on it's no different when you are a natural when your natural solution for serious problems it's really no different at picking your scapegoat to get your message across without damaging those who you feel like kinda perpetuate the industry to the status quo the norm that's across the board whether it's college basketball for the pharmaceutical healthcare disease management industry as we touched on through dropship interesting Violet something to this is good I need to start paying more attention to the whole NCAA basketball seen it directly affect your practice can so we convince Dr. jaybird to have his own show and we have him with the title for you let's start with the title and work our way backwards so any running titles in your brain not even destroyed to be honest with you this that that that Bogdan Batson is wrong for a little bit I being called to task on the name has not exactly a noun caught noun, but usually not a shortage for words and phenomena shortage for for words I want to say that I don't really think that the mundane interventions are good now I have painted anything that you're trying to get some excited about probably Rob, help you today with the G.I. Dr. J help you project. So with the late show only a little there oh with Rachel you've got this huge influence over people we need to get something that you have in this box is to be a clothing line to be a cookbook should you have your own line of supplements or we can do like the revamp we know but bock to the P90 X and beach bodies but if we can get you a whole series of DVD workout video yeah it all going about his dogs that's right you will be there D hat if you'd like to be sure that you are one of the first to get the information on the box it I once again brought were down to a little over a minute the the two hours race by episode nine is almost completed this was great there is so much more to cover and I think both you guys could have your own show completely and cover a lot of issues but the healthy all day with the G.I. Dr. J and lichen I like the there's that cadence the Ron get a lot of those sorts of syllables so apples hits eight it's good hours assess on a long came up for my bikini mom and is definitely a bonus to open the I love appreciate everyone listening and watching today be sure and subscribe and like it get check project on iTunes gets a project 10 channel on YouTube please describe like and share and of course next week I believe are going to have even another contest that it will unveil their buddy else and can does he know about it is like in any other corners I but regardless I will do that check out de to be first in line to learn about dead the box and its benefits for you and your family and don't forget Rich's RI DU CON here with Dr. J in a course Rachel Scheer RA see HDL SCh for Rachel Scheer nutrition putting words often just like you so much for taking the time to come on we love spreading the news we have the very similar message which ultimately is everyone needs to be healthier let's put health in your hands that's our goal Rachel Dr. JK they'll thank you for having assigned great great way to spend awesome well the very beginning May 2019 yourself in shape will seal next time get your project this is the only 24 hour take anywhere platforms dedicated to food and fun clear spoony you so Re: did you stuck in a bad bundle great AT&T vibrant DirecTV and get $100 reward card requires 24 month PB 12 month Internet agreement redemption required limited availability may not be in your area see if you AT&T that are subject to change new customers requires a minimum 49 and nine months 12 months after the price hiring secular Internet 25 minutes or higher minimum $40 a month early termination nonreturn taxes fees and restrictions apply, for full details skylight lounge for me I just say by bundling home and auto progressive firing to the gallery or zero send my condolences this this engine coming situations and so we have that technology

What is Gut Check Project?

Improve your health & quality of life, find the truth between natural and medical science. Join Ken and Co-host Eric Rieger on the GCP, and get an unfiltered approach to your health as they host guests from all over the world. Nothing is off limits. Step in and get your gut checked...Ken (Kenneth Brown, MD) is a board certified gastroenterologist that turned his private practice into a hotbed of innovation. Ken has long been intrigued on how to best care for his patients. He challenged big pharma and developed an all natural solution (Atrantil) for bloating and symptoms of IBS. That lead him to dig deeper and find more answers and uses for polyphenols. Then he began to help his patients that were suffering from inflammation, not only in their guts, but their entire bodies, including neuro/brain & immune issues. Dr. Brown has tackled serious issues with natural and proven methods that his patients love him for. But he is not finished. The Gut Check Project exists to find better answers for you in all aspects of health. Experts in all fields of study, industry, and interest will be found on the GCP. Eric (Eric Rieger, CRNA) is Ken's business partner and actually met Ken while delivering anesthesia to his patients in 2012. Eric saw first hand the passion that Ken had for his patients, his support staff, and for the answers that could improve people's lives. Eric enjoys science and research swell, and has a passion for helping people find sensible means to take care of themselves, but always armed with the best information. Join the GCP and SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE!!!!