Marketing Plugged In Podcast

Some people find it tricky to underhand what to share. Should you focus on quality or quantity? and what about consistency of posting?

Show Notes

 Inside the podcast we talk about: 
  • How you can avoid ‘being the person in the room who always talks about themselves?
  • Why you should always be genuine, unique and try to establish a connection and relationship?
  • How to make a social media plan? 
  • What times of the day to post?
  • Managing comments 
  • Following the right people 
  • Scheduling tools (see below) 
  • Future trends such as AI and turning Facebook messenger into a communications tool for business 
  • Why it’s okay to recycle your content? 

Types of content you can share:
* Photos * Videos * Images * Infographics for complex data * Statistics and Facts * Podcasts * Webinars * eBooks * evergreen content * News from your sector including trade journals and mainstream media- always credit your sources * Quotes * How to’s * Lists - top 5 ways to do… * Research * Case studies and testimonials * Competitions * Reviews * Blogs*

References for scheduling
Unsplash - high-quality royalty free images
Later - scheduling and analytics software 33:47
Buffer - scheduling and analytics software

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What is Marketing Plugged In Podcast?

A motivational & inspiring podcast helping business overcome marketing challenges recorded live from Netherlands and UK by hosts Marcel Sterk and Darren Winter. We're looking for guests and marketing challenges, get in touch with us via the website or social media!