Homeschool Teachers' Lounge with Pam Barnhill & Mystie Winckler

Homeschool chat and Mystie's new book

Show Notes

Mystie’s book - The Convivial Homeschool:
If you buy 5 or 10 copies of Convivial Homeschool by November 30, forward your receipt at support@simplified organization for your special bonuses.
Convivial Homeschool Book Club at Your Morning Basket. Join the community here:
A Christmas Carol dramatized reading:

What is Homeschool Teachers' Lounge with Pam Barnhill & Mystie Winckler?

Brief, off-the-cuff conversations about real life homeschooling in the moment. Pam & Mystie both homeschool teens and middle-schoolers and have been homeschooling for over a decade. Together they share what it's really like, give tips and recommendations, and encourage homeschool moms to keep up the good work.