Finneran's Wake

“To my taste, the most fruitful and most natural exercise of our minds is conversation. I find the practice of it the most delightful activity in our lives. In their academies, the Athenians, and even more the Romans, maintained this exercise in great honor”. In our own times, however, we’ve all but forgotten this delightful art—this melodious exchange of ideas, and interplay of opinions, in which classical tongues were so fluent. We no longer feel the spark by which it once tickled our nerves, nor the heat with which it once warmed our lagging spirits. It was, once, the activity from which our minds—ever inquisitive, daring, and new—derived their greatest pleasure. Now, sadly, conversation is held in but small esteem. We retain, at this point, not even its vestige. Perhaps, in this desperate state, Montaigne can restore conversation to its Grecian glory or, failing that, its Roman strength.

What is Finneran's Wake?

Finneran’s Wake – where the ART OF CONVERSATION lives.

Here, no topic is untouchable, no idea inadmissible, and no one too heretical to be heard.

As the great French essayist Montaigne once said, “To my taste, the most fruitful and natural exercise of our minds is CONVERSATION. I find the practice of it the most delightful activity in our lives”.

It certainly is the most delightful activity in my life. I want it to be so in yours as well.

To that end, I humbly welcome you to my channel.

Here, we'll exercise our minds together. Here, we'll practice this delightful activity as friends. We'll engage, now and forever, in the art--the highest and most human art--of conversation!

With affection,