Making Data Speak

Data is the new oil and we need to empower its usage without compromising data privacy for better decision making. The only way forward is synthetic data as it is a representation of the real data itself. It is critical to distinguish which environments will hold the production data and which will hold the synthetic data. In my view, synthetic data will be a game-changer as it will help the organizations to achieve operational efficiency, reduce data risk, and swift product rollouts which we call speed to market. So now we have better data for a better future. To discuss this and more, Sachin is joined by the cofounders of Kevin Yee and Uzair Javaida.

What is Making Data Speak?

Welcome to Making Data Speak, hosted by a technologist, corporate leader, storyteller, and public speaker Sachin Tonk.
The amount of data we produce every day is truly mind-boggling. 90% of today's data is created in the last two years. The current pace of data capturing poses a significant challenge for data professionals in terms of how to manage and utilize data. The "Making Data Speak" podcast series is the result of Sachin's passion to explore both the art and science of data.
In each episode, we unveil the hidden stories, connect points and paint the data picture for businesses and consumers together with thought leaders and experts across the region.
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