Business in Focus

The need to level up the UK has long been recognised - and COVID-19 has only intensified this challenge. It’s no longer enough to drive growth in the left-behind regions; right now, it’s about tackling deep-rooted inequalities in every part of the UK - even in some of its wealthiest areas. In this episode, host Rowena Morris is joined by Zoe Watters, a corporate finance partner in our Real Assets practice, and Stewart Wilson, our Local Public Services lead partner, to discuss how we can navigate ever-changing restrictions while setting the foundations for a fair, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery.

Show Notes

The need to level up the UK has long been recognised - and COVID-19 has only intensified this challenge. It’s no longer enough to drive growth in the left-behind regions; right now, it’s about tackling deep-rooted inequalities in every part of the UK - even in some of its wealthiest areas. In this episode, host Rowena Morris is joined by Zoe Watters, a corporate finance partner in our Real Assets practice, and Stewart Wilson, our Local Public Services lead partner, to discuss how we can navigate ever-changing restrictions while setting the foundations for a fair, inclusive and sustainable economic recovery.

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Our podcast brings you our latest insights and practical advice, helping you navigate change with confidence. Hear from diverse voices - from the UK’s top business leaders to athletes, psychologists and politicians - on the issues that matter today.

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