The H Word

Becky and Dan Brace for the Holidays and Becky talks with painter Margaux Williamson about shame, humility, seeing and painting. Covered: Morning Radio, advertising, Christmas, History Channel's Alone, hands on a hard body, anxieties, people who are frozen in stone, The Plop, The 20th Century, Oscilloscope Labs, The Wizard of Oz, winds and rain, taking clothes apart, paintings, what we see, time, bananas, clocks, problems, tolerance, Queer Eye, shame, humility, Lars von Trier, having a message, Melancholia, serving oneself, mapping from a distance, being overwhelmed, Canadian complaints, Moby Dick & more

What is The H Word ?

Toronto-based actor/writer/comedian/sadsacks, Becky Johnson and Dan Beirne, chat with thoughtful and interesting guests to unpack the notion of HOPE for a new, bleak decade. and @thehwordpod on social media.