The Growth Show with Matt Lenzie

Shack Baker is a serial entrepreneur who has had a variety of different careers, including being a highly successful musician, setting up and running a clothing brand an most recently a property investor. Shack has been investing in property for the past 3 and half years, and has built up a £2.5m portfolio in that period of time.

Show Notes

Shack Baker is a serial entrepreneur who has had a variety of different careers, including being a highly successful musician, setting up and running a clothing brand an most recently a property investor. Shack has been investing in property for the past 3 and half years, and has built up a £2.5m portfolio in that period of time.
Shack grew up in South London and he was the eldest of 6 children and he explains on the podcast how he felt a big responsibility to provide for his family. His objective when he got into property was to buy his council flat that he lived in. That then evolved into moving into learning about property investment.
Take away points:
-       Shack was in a collective, not a boy band!
-       His music was on heavy rotation on Radio 1, Kiss and MTV.
-       “No doesn’t mean no never, it just means no now!”
-       Miracle Mornings for Millionaires is a great book!
-       Meditation, affirmations – keep you focused, visualisation

The Property Shack
Shack's instagram

What is The Growth Show with Matt Lenzie?

The Growth Show with Matt Lenzie is a series of podcasts with Entrepreneur guests all of whom have highly successful track records. The show will extrapolate the best tips and trips from them to provide inspiration to our listeners. We will be identifying the growth potential that is available to you now.